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RE: Saturday Savers Club with @susie-saver | Week 26 - Saturday 26 June 2021 - Half way through the year! ! | SPI, LBI and CL HivePUD Challenge | Win EDS Tokens for Comments! Everyone Welcome

in LeoFinance3 years ago

HivePUD is good fun - just 10 Hive required to be part of the day and it helps to encourage everyone. You'll get a beautiful badge, too, from @hivebuzz.

Glad you are enjoying EDSM 😍



Hmm how does it encourage anyone if I power up hive? There's enough incentive to power up hive throughout the month in my opinion.. unless you don't believe in it long term. But not sure what someone like that is doing here anyway :-P

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Hmm how does it encourage anyone if I power up hive?

It's about visibility and spreading the word. It's not about you on your own, but it is about a lot of people working together.

But not sure what someone like that is doing here anyway

People are here for all different kinds of reasons, that's the beauty of it.

Yeah ok that makes sense I guess, for someone who's maybe in doubt about powering up or not and need the group mentality to do it.

Sure thing, but anyone not believing in the long term succes is kinda wasting their time here no? :-P

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I'm not sure that anyone is ever wasting their time when they are learning and participating.

Well, let me put it this way. Why do people participate and learn here? They want to earn some coin and see how this is a good project and are excited for its future or at least recognise it as a possible opportunity and therefore want to be a part of it and learn more about it.. lacking that I'd say someone is wasting their time, as someone who just wants to earn some quick coin can probably spend the time more efficient elsewhere (depending on country of course) and learning and participating in something you don't stand for doesn't sound like a great plan, does it?

Now that sounds really negative and all so I'll leave it at that! I kinda think most that last here are positive about the opportunity and possibilities and most that aren't won't stick around for very long. (Probably just until the next dip/hint of a bear market)

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