Does Bitcoin make you immortal?

in LeoFinance3 months ago

What is immortality?

Does it mean you live forever?
Yes a common understanding of this term is that your life never ends.

Another way to put this is to say Your life energy lives forever.

What is money?

Well money is defined as many things, but to many like Elon Musk money is energy.

Money is the storage form or representation of the time and energy of your labor.

This makes it personally offensive when governments debase their countries currency, because debase means to reduce in value. So they are reducing the value of the MONEY, but the money is the storage form of your time and energy, so the government which reduced the value of their currency, also reduces the value of the storage form of your time and energy.

So in a way, the government is reducing the value of your money, which is the representation of the time and energy of your life. And your life is made up of time and energy. So they are reducing the value of your time and energy or your life.

That is personally offensive.

Does this mean my government is killing me?

  • If money is my time and energy stored and the government reduces the value of my time and energy, which are the building blocks of my life, is the government reducing the value of my time and energy, thus the amount of time it lasts, and thus reducing the amount of time in my life? Are these things reducing my life, and therefore killing me slowly?

Life is time and energy.

Money is the representation of your time and energy.

Debasing the currency reduces the value of your money, and money is your time and energy, and your time and energy are your life.

If someone reduces the value of your money, thus reduces the value of your time and energy, thus reducing the value of your life, soon the value of your life is zero, and zero is nothing, so your life is nothing and it ends.
Your dead.

What is immortality?

Your time and energy live on forever.

How can Bitcoin make you immortal?

If you store your life, as defined as time and energy in Fiat, a country currency, which is reduced in value every year, soon your time and energy will reach a value of zero and you will no longer exist.

But if you store your time and energy in something which grows in value every year, it's value will never reach zero and your time and energy will never reach zero, and you will never die, thus you become immortal.

COnsider three things we know to be true

We know that all country currencies are inflationary and lose value every year.

Why? because governments can never stop spending more then they take in , in taxes, and always print money to pay for budgets which create expenses greater then earnings.

We know that because of this all governments debase or reduce the value of their currency, so we know that all people who store their time and energy, their life force in these currencies will die.

There is one constant you can rely on, governments spend more money then they have, and print money to make up the difference.

Now consider these things we know to be true.

We know that Bitcoin is deflationary, so it increases in value every year because the currencies are reduced in value every year.

We also know that Bitcoin grows in value because currencies shrink in value.

This is the history of governments and money, and it is a story old as time it self.

So if you store your time and energy, your life force, in Bitcoin, your time and energy will only grow in value every year, and your time and energy will never reach zero.

So if your time and energy never reach a value of zero, doesn't that mean you live forever?

Your time and energy will be valuable and grow in value for ever, so your time and energy will never reach zero value, so it will never die.

Thus you will never die.

Therefore.. Bitcoin makes you immortal.

In the words of Maui the Demi God, in the movie Moana:

your welcome.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Never thought of that!
Our actions and energy do makes us immortal in a way :)