Maya Blockchain is an investment which looks like a combination of Bitcoin and Uniswap

in LeoFinancelast month (edited)

Learning more every day about Maya...

What is Maya.jpg

Maya token is like Bitcoin

  • While most people who know of Maya Blockchain know it is a friendly fork of Thorchain, and while both specialize in cross blockchain swaps without bridges or wrapping tokens. There are some important differences between Thorchain and Maya which I feel merit further study.

  • Maya tokens are like Bitcoin, in that there was a fixed amount of Maya minted, and now they will only grow in value overtime.

  • They were distributed to people who deposited assets into the original liquidity pools; Bitcoin, Ether, USDT and USDC to name a few.

  • Now the holders receive 10% of the transaction fees from the cryptocurrency swaps on Cacaoswap on Maya Blockchain, for as long as they hold their Maya in their wallets.

  • Interesting fixed supply, like Bitcoin, so no inflation to reduce the value of the token, and it earns a ever increasing amount of money daily as trading volume on Cacaoswap increases over time.

  • Interesting, taking the deflationary and longterm appreciation characteristic of BItcoin and adding the daily income from swap transactions like Uniswap makes the token an atractive investment .

Cacaoswap on the Maya blockchain is like Uniswap

  • Like Ethereum hosts Uniswap, Maya blockchain hosts Cacaoswap, which like Uniswap is a decentralized exchange.

  • As a decentralized exchange cacaoswap doesn't take custody of your cryptocurrency tokens, and they remain in your wallet until exchanged for another token.

  • As an exchange cacaoswap generates transaction fees on each trade, but unlike a centralized exchange the majority of fees go to the liquidity providers like on Uniswap.

  • And like Uniswap there are no listing fees to list tokens, nor fees to becoming a liquidity provider.

Perhaps a very good investment is Maya Token or assets listed for trade on Cacaoswap...or both

  • Now that I have read the first half of the Maya White Paper... it's long so I admit I haven't finished it LOL!

  • I am thinking this is what attracted me to Hive originally and away from so called "buy and hold" tokens which you HODL. The ability to make daily income, on Hive feels similar to the ability to earn daily transaction fees on Cacaoswap for holding Maya token. The nice thing is that even if I don't work, I still earn, it's completely passive.

  • And I am thinking that this fixed number of Maya to ever be made is what attracted me to Bitcoin. As a deflationary token, in an inflationary world, it can only go up in price longterm. And I can see why people want to hold the token, with daily passive earnings, it sounds like a good token to hold.

What is Maya.jpg

Last words

  • You may also want to listen to this PodCast interview of one of the Maya Developers, the Podcast is entittled the Deep Dive in Maya Protocol at this link:

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Title: Maya Blockchain is an investment which looks like a combination of Bitcoin and Uniswap

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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Well this post is the very definition of alpha; valuable information which can help you become financially successful. It's not a tip on a hot stock, it's an education on investing in passive income. Maya is unlikely to sky rocket like Bitcoin, but who knows, what will happen in this BUll Market. I should find out ow to buy Maya, as the podcast states liquidity is thin because few are selling.
I like how the Maya token makes developers and community members invested in the success of the protocol, not just pumping and selling the token, to watch it crash and burn.
I also like the fact they are minting anymore.

I agree. Alpha is the new word for me today. Alpha means one or the first in latin, but here it means valuable financial knowledge. Cool.
When I joined Leofinance it was to learn about cryptocurrency and finance. The community has not disappointed.
#leofinance #inleo #shortsegments #maya #cacaoswap #leodex

I am surprised to learn this about Maya, and it sounds like a good investment.

I am glad you found this useful

I hear more and more people talking about this project, thanks for describing it better than I know in this post

Your welcome, I am glad you liked the information.

This is definitely some good Alpha

Thank you, I want to post alpha

This post has been manually curated by @alokkumar121 from Indiaunited community. Join us on our Discord Server.

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100% of the rewards from this comment goes to the curator for their manual curation efforts. Please encourage the curator @alokkumar121 by upvoting this comment and support the community by voting the posts made by @indiaunited.

Thank you for the curation!

Ha Ha Ha

I just signed in and you just published this post!
Good timing on my part!

Nice post about Maya and the Bitcoin comparison is very interesting.

  • I didn't know Maya token holders earned 10% of swap fees on Cacaoswap, thats important news.
  • So Maya is a deflationary coin like Bitcoin with daily income from exchange transaction fees. That is pretty cool.
  • Are there other tokens which earn transaction fees?

That is a good question.It is something for us to research.

True, I was hoping someone else would point me in the right direction.

LOL... I just did :)

Yes, you should DYOR

Timing is everything

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  • Hive to Bitcoin
  • Hive to Ether
  • Bitcoin to Hive
  • Ether to Hive
    Leave the fear of Hive being delisted on Binance behind and embrace Leodex