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RE: AskLeo - Where Are We Now?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Interesting post.

I think you could be right about a June or July rally. We have gotten little sneak peak rallies this month and perhaps the next one will be the big one. The double cross scares some, but others are stuck in a loop saying this time will be diffrrent LOL 😂

I don’t have answers, I just remember to take profit on the way up, and accumulate on the way down. I will take longer to get rich, but nit so fast to be poor. 😉

As always, the best strategy is the one that works for you. As we say in the country, you dance with the guy that brought you to the dance.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Good point. Nobody knows for sure, but you have to have a strategy. DCA seems to be the best one imo.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta