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RE: Ironic Serendipity

in LeoFinance2 years ago

The Steemit Justin Sun time was difficult. I left people there and regret the whole thing somedays, but other days I see the lessons learned and changes made as producing a stronger community. DPOS is a great form of consensus until the day it isn’t, and on that day it adapts and changes to survive.

Forking a community is an interesting part of crypto and the blockchain.

In some ways it’s a clean break, but in others an ugly split.

Those whose accounts were frozen and tokens lost will never feel whole again, and hopefully time will heal their wounds.

If only this attack vector had been fixed, I wonder where Steem would be today?

Or was it really a blessing in disguise forcing the creators of Hive to begin a new and build something they felt would be better.

I have no answers.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta