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RE: The cleanest wealth?

in LeoFinance3 years ago


This is the huge equalizer of this entire discussion. We as a planet should have a way to objectively compare companies when we discus energy use we throw out numbers, and say they are bad or good. Until then we really have little context for these discussions.

As an example, the banking industry consumes 1000 times more electricity then Bitcoin with its multiple bank branches and atm machines. Or the USA uses more electricity in the last week of December each year for Christmas lights then several 3rd world countries use in a year,

These are big numbers, but are they bad or good?
How do we contextualize them?
I am just an asker of questions, and dont know the answer, but I think thats the question we should be having.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Just think about how much energy Vegas uses, plus water - all for entertainment.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That’s another good example.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta