in LeoFinance2 years ago (edited)

Cover image by @sidalim88, using public domain image. Source:

Hello dear readers, we are all aware of the strong economic situation that is being experienced in Venezuela and that is why in search of a more stable economic sustainability Venezuelans have ventured into the world of NFT games and cryptocurrencies.

Just a few days ago the company Cripto Avila, took the decision to sponsor the soccer league (FutVE), as a reason for the pride and excitement it feels in supporting the Venezuelan sport. This magnificent match to be played between Caracas FC and Deportivo Táchira will take place on December 11th and tickets can be purchased from this moment on at Cripto Avila's offices. On this occasion the great fans will not be able to purchase their tickets in cryptocurrencies, but it is estimated that in the next games through the sponsoring company it will be possible to make these transactions.

Public domain image. Extracted from:

Let's remember that Cripto Avila is a company dedicated to the sale of equipment used to mine cryptocurrencies and hadware wallets. One of the objectives of this great company is to educate citizens on the subject of technological variations in the Bitcoin and that is why a few months ago created a museum dedicated to the work of bitcoin mining that will aim to provide its users with all possible knowledge about it.

Public domain image. Extracted from:

It is important to highlight how Venezuela is being included in this financial world of digital currencies and as an example of this is that several businesses are already accepting the payment of their goods with cryptocurrencies, which has attracted the interest of different people in creating their Wallet on the Binance platform. Undoubtedly, this is an excellent opportunity to improve the financial economy of some Venezuelans, since it is no secret that there is an economic war going on in this country.

Until a next installment reader friends, I hope that the financial situation of all Venezuelans will improve someday, be it through cryptocurrencies or other means. .


Bitcoin mining reaches Venezuela's soccer fields. Source: