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RE: Finally…. HURRAY!!!

in LeoFinance2 months ago

It’s all because of the 2011 hurricane we had. The state got crazy and expanded the flood plane by miles. Then they amended it in 2018 but the town still showed my property in it. First I had to get state verification that I wasn’t in a flood plane. Then because it’s on the border of one, the town required state approval for the size building that I wanted. It was costly but I wasn’t giving in. I had spent way to much money and I don’t accept failure in anything that I do.


That makes sense, but it is still ridiculous. I remember when I replaced my shed at my old house I had to get a permit and pay all kinds of fees. It was a blatant cash grab.

There’s a lot of that as well. The head of the building department has been giving me a hard time for decades now. I wish he’d freaking retire.