When you don't have the money to save...

Even though it may seem like an insurmountable challenge to find money from an already limited budget to deposit into a savings account, there is hope. I'm here to tell you that there is always some "extra" money, even if it is just pennies to start, whether you have already set aside every penny or you are just beginning your journey to debt independence.

When you are struggling to make ends meet, the majority of your household's funds have likely already been allocated down to the last penny. Therefore, you should start by taking a look at your monthly budget while getting ready to set up a new savings target.

Your shopping budget is likely where you start looking, if you're anything like me. Families almost universally allocate much more money for food than they may actually need. Additionally, even if you do not have a huge budget, you could certainly shave $2 to $15 off that sum each month without it hurting too much. I realize that $5 per month doesn't sound like much, but it's a terrific place to start. Try raising the sum a little bit more after a month or two.

Since we're in 'warrior mode' right now, your financial commitment needs to be significant. I'm referring to leftover coins and spare bills, yes, including pennies. Every week, collect any loose change in your handbag and add it to your savings account. You can also inspect your car once a month.

Sell your excess stuff. Although selling goods online is nothing new, I'm still surprised by how few people use this fantastic technique. You can sell goods online for free, and it's a lot simpler than you might think. Selling is simple to accomplish and a great way to earn extra money to put into an emergency savings account. Finding items to sell is very easy if you need some quick money. Sell everything you don't use: home goods, sports supplies, exercise equipment, kids' clothing, dishes, and toys. People are searching for fast and simple bargains, which is ideal for those who want to save money but don't have any.

You must keep in mind that getting out of debt requires more than just repaying credit cards and loans; it also requires learning to live within your means. A new style of thinking must be learned. It feels fairly liberating to have a substantial savings account set aside to protect you from unforeseen expenses.


Gold and Silver Stacking is not for everyone.
Do your own research!

If you want to learn more, we are here at the Silver Gold Stackers Community. Come join us!

Best Regards,


I am not a financial adviser. This article is not meant to be financial advice. My articles on cryptos, precious metals, and money share my personal opinion, experiences, and general information on cryptos, precious metals, and money.
All photos, gif, and video were taken by me with my iPhone, unless specified.

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I hope to see you again soon!

Hugs and Kisses 🥰🌺🤙!!!!

I post an article daily. I feature precious metals every other day, and on other days I post article of general interest. Follow me in my journey to save in silver and gold.



With this massive dip in crypto, can one actually still be able to save from the micro investment

Who knows, @royalevidence. Generally, buy the dips, that's all you can do!

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@silversaver888 denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
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A lot of sacrifices many folks don't have to but eventually will have to take

Sacrifice now or sacrifice later!
If you don't have extra cash for savings, you've got to sit down and figure things out! Maybe it will not take any sacrifice at all!

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@silversaver888 denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@silversaver888 thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

Deriving the strategy to build one's financial life is really a positive step to take for future purposes.

Yes, @michea87. I say that you should just be mindful of you daily activities that involve money.

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@silversaver888 denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@silversaver888 thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

I bought 5 HBD the other day. And now Hive is lower, so I sold it back and got about 3 more Hive !

@silversaver888 denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@silversaver888 thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

Great advice yet again! These days if I've had something laying around for more than a year and I'm not using it I always ask myself: why are keeping this? Nine times out of ten it ends up on ebay and I never miss it! If you start saving even twenty bucks a month from selling old stuff it adds up over the years!

Everything adds up, @thebighigg... the savings, as well as the mishaps with money. Let's just be mindful, and hopefully we can be financially prepared for the unexpected.

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@silversaver888 denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@silversaver888 thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

Thanks again for keeping us updated & educated, SILVER SAVER - @silversaver888.

You're welcome, @cve3.
We are in this together!

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@silversaver888 denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@silversaver888 thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

I generally, put all coin change into a piggy bank and then after Annabelle (my Lamb piggy bank) is full, I take the contents to my bank and run it through the change machine. It gives me a ticket which I then go to a teller's window and exchange for bills. Instant cash to add to the savings! You can do that same thing with $1 bills. Keep nothing in your wallet below a dollar or even $5 dollars. You will be amazed at how quickly it adds up!

Thanks for sharing sis! Love ya much!🤗😘❤️🎄🎄🎄 !LADY

Hahaha, way to go, sis!
Thank YOU for sharing with us! That trick will amazingly add to your savings!
Love you too, sis 🤗
!LADY 🥰❤️🤙

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Very true @silversaver888 one of my in-laws years ago would only shop at the finest stores, that had huge marks up on all merchandise, especially with the kids. You can always find ways to bargain shop save that money for investment!!!😇😀

Quality merchandise vs high markup on merchandise... there is a difference between buying quality, which comes with a price tag. We have to learn the difference, @silvertop 😇

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You must be killin' it out here!
@silversaver888 just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @silvertop.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/1 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

Exactly @silversaver888 , raising three kids Liz and I learned that lesson a long time ago!😇😊

When every penny counts! Whereas in Canada, "it's every 5 Cents counts" since the Canadian 1 Cent has been demonetized back in 2014. I never did fully stop collecting beverage containers accumulating a little more than $120 CAD by the end of the year, enough for 4 ounces of silver. Cash that others simply throw away.

Cleaning up the environment for cash but,
Always, with love 🤗🌺❤️

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It doesn't take rocket science to understand things. People in America are generally wasteful (not all of them).
I admire you, sis!
Hugs and kisses 🤗
!LADY 😍❤️🤙

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The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @silversaver888 ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.

I think this crypto dip is very big opportunity. Yesterday i have add some money in my crypto portfolio. In this situation you can top 100 coins and it gives you 10 to 100x. Simply waiting for bull market.

Let us hope that it rallies soon!
For now, I am just HODLing.

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Did you know that protons have mass?
I didn't even know they were catholic.

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You must keep in mind that getting out of debt requires more than just repaying credit cards and loans

That's a true fact about growing ones financial lifestyle.

If you want to be debt-free, you must change your mindset!

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Why are cats bad storytellers?
Because they only have one tale.

Credit: marshmellowman
@emeka4, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @silversaver888

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Yes! Everyone should start saving for a better future

Thanks for your comment, @voidd!

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You received an upvote of 100% from Precious the Silver Mermaid!

Thank you for contributing more great content to the #SilverGoldStackers tag.
You have created a Precious Gem!

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 136 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!

I don't have money to save..but I don't like borrowing too coz I don't like pating debt 😅

Awww... you have money to save, @jane1289.
At the very least, it is great that you don't get into debt!
!LADY 🥰❤️🤙

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Ms. Saver


What’s blue and and smells like red paint?
Blue paint

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I went to the doctors to see him about my memory loss.
But I forgot to mention it to him.

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