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RE: Accessing CUBFinance from Phone, Bypassing Metamask entirely

in LeoFinance3 years ago

If you're a phone guy lke I am, it doesn’t get better than this at the moment!

On the laptop, unfortunately there's no way aroumd metamask yet. I managed to link from my phone to the homepage of cubfinance, but the exchange page is still buggy without metamask.

But I have been doing everything from the phone for the last week or so, and there were no disadvantages compared to the desktop site.


I try and go phone for things but so many are not built for it so I'll need to check this out for sure thanks! Nearly 65% of traffic if not more now hits websites via mobile but so many are unfriendly to it still.

I hear ya! Our lifestyle has become such that we're almost always on the run! I'm sure sooner or later project developers will make this a priority!

As for cubfinance and trust wallet, perfectly mobile friendly!