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RE: Iconic Green Tech Innovations

in LeoFinance4 months ago

Personally I like the idea of being able to walk on the footpath next to a busy street and not have to constantly breathe in the cumulative toxic fumes of all the ICE vehicles using the road. It can be quite disgusting in the city I live, some intersections are just horrible. I was born in a more regional area about 3 hours drive from the city, where the air is actually fresh. I talk about the problem to people born in the city and they don't understand what I mean... they cannot tell — too used to it. That's what I have to share on the topic of EVs, anyway 😌

As for photovoltaics, they're brilliant. No fuel inputs required to generate electricity. Amazing. Granted, most panels top out at around 30% efficiency max, but this will increase in time with more research and development. It's all a bit expensive of course, but it's possible to buy everything yourself and run an off-grid battery/solar system for a few thousand. It does depend on how much electricity your household uses, though.

Thanks for a thought-provoking read.


Yeah, people in the city seem to have been used to what they breathe and could not relate, especially if they never set foot in the countryside. One who did can easily tell the difference.

most panels top out at around 30% efficiency max

I am also hopeful that this will improve over time. The costs can be a challenge for most so let's also hope for much more affordable ones in the future.

Thank you too, for your amazing input :-)

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