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RE: Todd McFarlane's SPAWN Might Be On Its Way To Wreak Havoc On The Splinterverse

in LeoFinancelast year

Man, I love the concept of Spawn, but I never got into comics, so I only have the movie and the basics to go on, and even I know this is gonna be a must have. I agree with your take on the artwork, but I also wouldn't mind seeing a "Re-Spawned" series that introduces the original and drops a few variations over time, that depicts various iterations. Mage, warrior, assassin, just to name a few, would all be incredible, especially if a new ability could be introduced with each. Spawn deserves the red carpet royal treatment. And I can't think of a more appropriate ambassador to the multiverse. This is a big deal for a lot of reasons.


I never read the comics either. "Re-Spawned' I like it. Sounds like it could be the name of a new Splinterlands ability. Red carpet treatment all the way.

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