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RE: Thoughts about Hive's future. There's still time...and hope.

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Is it not more profitable to receive the HBD and then use convert to hive over 3.5 days with the HBD price consistently below $1?

Not that it matters much with my meager hive earnings...


$10 post. 50% - 50% You get $5. 2.5HBD and $2.5 worth of Hive $2.5 / 0.15 (current median price) = 16.666 HIVE + 2.5HBD

Same scenario with 100% power up. you get $5 worth of HIVE. 5 x 0.15= 33.333 HIVE. So same thing...

The difference is that people choose the 50 - 50 option to sell their HBD and buy other coins...only hbd is consistently being traded lower than $ would make sense at > $1.01

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta