Week 21 - May 20 Investment Moves

in LeoFinance14 days ago

Week 21 - May 20 Investment Moves

  • Today's US Market Conditions
  • May 20 Option Trades
  • Week #21 Passive Dividend
  • Bitcoin recent price

Today's US Market Conditions

The market is GREEN today as of 11:35 AM (EST). This follows a nice run from the last several weeks.


May 20 Option Trades

Here are today options trades:


These are small adjustments being made because the option is moving toward being worthless. I am adding risk back into the trade by adjusting the position.


  • Rolled BMY Covered call down from $50 to $48 (SP) for $1 premium.
  • Rolled RIOT Covered call down from $13.50 to $12 for $1 premium.
  • Rolled TDOC Covered call down from $14 to $13.50 for $3 premium.

Week #21 Passive Dividend

This week's dividend of 86 dollar.

Bitcoin's recent price

Bitcoin has recovered over the last few days. I not going to guess where it going in the short term. But If you are still "adding" to your bag of coins, then DOLLAR COST AVERAGE (DCA) will continue to work and reduce some risk regardless of what direction the price goes.


I have always talked about buying $50 a month or whatever you can afford. Or if you used to buy 1% of Bitcoin each time, it will take 100 months to acquire a Bitcoin. The concept of small investments over a long period can be worth quite a bit in 10 or 20 years if Bitcoin continues to grow.