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RE: Hive: Taking Advantage Of A Life-Changing Opportunity

in LeoFinance2 years ago

As I look at your profile pic you might be a good 10-15 years younger than my almost 40 years. Time is the asset you need for compounding, the sooner someone starts the better. Good look with stacking that HBD and just do not stop!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Well thanks for the compliment.

That picture is perhaps 2 years old?

But no, I am the oldest millennial, will be 41 in May.

I have always used my HBD to fund other projects, now HBD is the project.

I really look forward to the next few crypto years.

Oh wow you look really young on the picture even if I look at it with the 2 years difference :D
Lets get compounding than!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta