Astar Network Unveils New Version of Smart Contracts

in LeoFinancelast year

If you are a developer or a Web3 enthusiast. You might have heard of Astar Network. One of the first parachains to join the Polkadot ecosystem. Astar Network is a scalable decentralized blockchain that provides the infrastructure for building dApps with EVM and WASM smart contracts and offering true interoperability with cross-consensus messaging (XCM) and a cross-virtual machine (XVM) .

But what makes Astar Network stand out from other smart contract platforms? The answer is Smart Contracts 2.0, the WebAssembly (WASM) smart contracts that extend the Web3 functionality of EVM. Astar Network has announced that it will launch Smart Contracts 2.0 on the mainnet at 14:00 UTC on Thursday, April 6, 2023 . To celebrate this milestone, Astar Network will host a virtual live panel discussion with the entire Web3 community. Featuring Polkadot developers and leading infrastructure teams that will build the foundation of Astar's WASM environment .

What are WebAssembly (WASM) smart contracts?

WebAssembly (WASM) is a binary instruction format that can run on any browser or platform. It is compatible with many programming languages such as C/C++, GO, TypeScript, Java and RUST . This means that developers don't need to learn a new programming language from scratch to start building on Astar Network. They can use their existing skills and tools to create WASM or EVM projects and deploy them on Astar Network.

WASM smart contracts also enable new possibilities for multichain applications. Users can connect their Astar projects to any Polkadot or EVM ecosystem and leverage the cross-consensus messaging (XCM) and cross-virtual machine (XVM) features of Astar Network. This allows for the free flow of assets and communications between multiple blockchains .

Why should you care about Smart Contracts 2.0?

Smart Contracts 2.0 is not just a technical upgrade. It is a game-changer for the Web3 movement. By supporting both EVM and WASM smart contracts on the mainnet. Astar Network will become the first Polkadot parachain to support a stable WASM environment by enabling smart contracts . This will give developers more flexibility, creativity and interoperability when building dApps on Astar Network.

Astar Network has pioneered a unique Build2Earn model that empowers developers to get paid through a dApp staking mechanism for the code they write and dApps they build . This means that developers can earn passive income from their projects by staking $ASTR tokens, the native token of Astar Network . $ASTR tokens also have governance, utility and incentive functions that unlock Web3 features such as decentralized identity (DID), decentralized storage (IPFS) and layer 2 solutions like ZK Rollups .

How can you join the WASM Launch Day?

If you are interested in learning more about Smart Contracts 2.0 and how WASM will revolutionize blockchain, you can join the virtual live panel discussion on WASM Launch Day. The event will be conducted by Astar Network in collaboration with Parity, Phala, DIA, SubWallet, Brushfam & Subsquid– the infrastructure partners that will build the foundation of Astar's WASM environment .

The event will take place at 14:00 UTC on Thursday, 4/6/2023. You can register for free here:

Don't miss this opportunity to witness history in the making and be part of the Web3 movement with Astar Network!


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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