Splinterlands New Rewards System My Thoughts

in LeoFinance2 months ago

I've been a big fan and investor of Splinterlands since Alpha and the game has for sure gone through many changes during that time. Overall I have to say since then I've been happy with those changes but did question some things that were taking place during the bull run. That being said today I want to take a look at the most recent change which is the battle system and rewards via a new rewards shop.

The Old Way

The old way you would get daily chests and the season ending reward chests that could contain anything from SPS Governance tokens to Merits to get Gladiolus packs. You also could get NFT cards for your deck in the form of reward cards that until recently became soul bound with a maybe potential of being unlockable to be sold on the market in exchange for DEC. (That's still pending)

This reward structure often had me coming back daily to see what rewards I would unlock in my chest each day and show off on socials.

The New Way

The new way is now a glint type system which is earn in every battle and at the end of the season. Now for myself personally right now I'm earning close to 300 - 400 glint per battle win. That's in combination of having enough SPS staked, using beta or alpha cards and gold foil card.

With around a 50% win rate if I maxed this thing out daily we could say that's 12 wins a day or roughly 3,600 glint to be earned per day. Which we will go over shortly below in more detail for the rewards shop.

Now one thing you can't do any more is get SPS from rewards. Instead every win now holds more SPS. I roughly earn around 2-3SPS per win it my current Diamond 3 ranked battles. That's roughly $0.05 right now at current values but it's also more then what I was earning before. I've seen people in champs though earning 30+ in a lot of cases which to me seems a little bit too high still and some of that should be retracted back into gold and diamond to pad those wins just a little more. The jump from Diamond to Champs seems just too high of a 10x difference which is part of the issue with saturation of SPS now in a select few accounts.

The Shop

So as I went over above my earnings of glint per day is around 3,600 plus the rewards I would earn at end of season which are coming in at lets safely say 80,000. With a 15 day season that means my max would be a rough estimate of 134,000 glint per two weeks aka a season.

This is currently how the shop looks in terms of prices. at 350 glint per win it means I could lock in 200 merits for every battle which is decently sizeable. However on the cards front I could also in theory get roughly 10 cards a day. But they seem maxed out at 10 until the shop restocks which right now the restock seems to be once a season. Meaning from how I understand this I can only get 10 cards initiate draw for 1,500 glint once per season.

That means I can use 90,500 glint total per season to unlock all of the current chances of cards which is only 50 cards. Now I'm not sure if there is a chance at multi cards from the draw but from what I'm reading so far there's not.

Being that you need 400 cards to max out a common card this seems a little off to me and really limits the amount of cards you get now compared to how it was before. But in a way this has to make sense. There's simply way too much inflation of cards and other assets in the game so it needs to be reduced and while it feels weird at least to me it's the simple matter of I'm just used to getting more cards roughly 20 each day. At 20 cards a day over a single season that means 300 NFT cards per season at least but normally around the 450 mark with season ending chests thrown in there. That's a drastic reduction in new print cards happening now. Just my account alone that's around 250 - 400 NFT reward cards that are reduced from the supply each season (every two weeks).

Now personally for me the goal is to maybe get a title over anything else. The lowest cost title is 1 million glint so only earning 134,000 per season means I have about 3-4 months of constant battles before I'll get to that point. Of course unless I can find my way into champs soon.

Final Thoughts

I feel like there's something missing in this new shop rewards system. The hype or wonder of what you're going to get in your chests each day is gone and at least to me it's sucked a little bit of the fun factor out of it for me. I would have rather kept the reward chests and simply reduced the amount of cards you would get in them if that was what the team was after. It should would of had that hype mystery behind it.

The positive things are you have some extra options for things like potions and energy which can be a positive thing. I'm not so sure the positives outweigh the negative on this change though but time will tell.

Let me know your thoughts of the new shop rewards.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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