ETH ETF Approved

in LeoFinance2 months ago (edited)

Like the title says.

There will be more of this happening

ETH probably hit its bottom


No, this is not financial advice

But ETH is probably going to moon

More than hive?

Duh, hive is not designed to pump, it inflates to be sold as income for posters and curators

That is ok though, we have our own things going on, other ways to make money that doesn’t involve number go up

If you have to stay in the hive ecosystem and like number go up maybe look into LEO, I predict LEO will outperform hive, again, not financial advice

The interesting thing will be when ETH’s market cap exceeds bitcoins.

Will “the flippining” narrative make a raging comeback?

This is why I said we should create some liquidity pairings with ETH, when ETH price goes up it will help drag hive up with it.

But it is safe to see we are ready to get wild in the crypto space

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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