Well… that took a turn…

in LeoFinance2 months ago

sometimes it is hard to tell if this is real life.. or if this is a WWF style storyline going down switching the face/heel characters and getting ready for a SummerSlam event leading up to a massive rally

This is the bullish case for crypto, Trump supports and believes in crypto… he was fully aware of the “elites” plan to destroy the world by crashing fiat, hence why during Trumps term there was a record amount of currency creation… he knows its all fake, so why not use it to better America… inflation isn’t bad when you are the one getting the new money…

Weather you like him or not, Trump is going to win the next election…

Think about it, at these rally’s there is a lot of security… the shooter does not have much time to set up, aim, adjust, fire….

So whoever did this, they knew what they were doing… as if it wasn’t their first rodeo…

Personally, I like to wait a few days before saying what is going on..

I see articles saying the shooter is dead with a video of his body being removed … and there are people saying the shooter is in police custody and have name dropped him (antifa member) and links to his youtube where he claims justice is coming soon…

I wonder if this will affect the price of silver or gold lol

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I'm curious to see how the markets react tomorrow morning.

I guess we will find out soon enough

sometimes it is hard to tell if this is real life.. or if this is a WWF style storyline going down...

Same thought crossed my mind. It reminded me of pre-presidential Trump having that ringside brawl at a WWE event.

Trump Take Down of Vince McMahon at Wrestlemania XXIII :