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RE: Hardfork Quirking and Twerking with curation

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I didn't really understand curation before the HF and don't understand any of this quirk either. I'm new to Hive and figure I'll just continue upvoting content I like when I stumble across it, ignoring content that I dislike, and powering up Hive when I can.

I tend not to be a min-maxer in games. And I figure I'll approach Hive with the same mentality. Have fun, try to contribute. And if there's something to figure out to optimize things, I'll figure it out in time.

So, as a casual, new user to Hive, I don't notice any functional difference to how Hive is working. And I don't notice the quirk. And that's a sign of a good upgrade to me.


Just go and have fun exploring Hive and being rewarded and being able to reward people all over the world doing fun stuff :)

Exactly the right approach. Welcome to the chain. Enjoy the ride :)