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RE: Cage with an Opened Door

in LeoFinance10 months ago

We just read this. Can’t say how much we appreciate how well you are echoing our concerns here!

Apologies about the volume. Our level check didn’t work that well. We will do better next time. I cannot tell u the feeling of doing the whole podcast and then realising after that you fucked the levels


Apologies about the volume. Our level check didn’t work that well. We will do better next time. I cannot tell u the feeling of doing the whole podcast and then realising after that you fucked the levels

No worries. It was difficult at times to hear you, especially when it started to rain around here, but I believe I got most of it.

Maybe the guys from DNS Media can work some magic on volume levels after the fact to be able to extract some impactful shorts from the podcast.

Thanks for your comment!

i think they will :)) they are magicians

I have no doubt! :))