Android Under Attack - Keep Your Banking Safe.

in LeoFinance4 years ago

While, Corona is taking the precious life of so many people around the world, EventBot virus is taking away all the financial data from the Android Phone

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If you having an Android phone and using it for your financial or banking purpose, beware of the EventBot virus. This is a new virus which easily breached the Android's in-built accessibility features and steal all user data base. From bypassing 2F- Authentication to reading your message, it can access all the financial application and read the banking PIN easily.

As per latest warning issued by Indian Cyber security agency CERT (Computer Emergency Response Team)

a new banking virus called EventBot is spreading. It is a mobile trojan that steals data information from banking and other financial apss.



The virus is more vulnerable to banking apps, money transfer services, cryptocurrency wallets and other financial apps installed on Android phone. Currently, the EventBot Virus is mostly active in US and Europe but many Indian also get affected. The Virus is very much prone to over 200 Android application including Paypal Business, Revolut, Barclays, UniCredit, CapitalOne UK, HSBC UK, TransferWise, Coinbase, paysafecard etc.

As per the advisory and warning, issued by CERT, never download any app from Third party sources. Always be careful while downloading from Google Play Store and make sure to read the user reviews and authentication of the app.

Nowadays, mobile has become an integral part of our day to day life. We make use of it all the time, and to keep updated with our fortpolio and investment, we keep them under our finger tip. But with these kind of warning , we need to be more alert and avoid any unwanted downloading and usage on our mobile.

Time to play safe until we get rid of all the malware and of the mobile device.

Stay Home....Stay Safe !!

Namaste @steemflow



From bypassing 2F- Authentication to reading your message

That's quite awful. I mean, if google 2fa can be breached, it can read messages and can find out your pin than this shitty virus is stringer than corona. I heard recently about people complaining online of money disappearing mysteriously out of Revolut accounts. How can anyone take the virus I would like to know. What third party apps are we talking about?
As an end not, we seem to get back to cash for safety after all...