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RE: Daily commenting strategy on Hive

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Another good blog!

This is actually relevant for me even though I have been here a while. Mostly because I have slacked for a long time in community involvement and am now getting back into commenting/interacting. Love the top-down prioritizing of commenting :-) Smart idea. After I finish that type of commenting I will add always replying to others who comment to me. No matter what. Good or bad :-)

I have had a few whale votes in my time. Most of them came from not my own posts. Most came from a comment on someone else's blog where I added an idea that was different or new to them concerning the topic they were writing about. Sometimes they were from an idea that helped them in a way they didn't see. A very few were from comments I made that were against there idea but structured in a non-offensive way.

Bottom line is engage, be real, don't beg, and be constructive. These things will not pay out immediately in most cases, but will pay out big on a long-term scale.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Your strategy sounds good to me!

I have had a few whale votes in my time. Most of them came from not my own posts. Most came from a comment on someone else's blog where I added an idea that was different or new to them concerning the topic they were writing about.

There you go.

Happy to see that what I'm saying is also working for someone else out there *in the wild!

A very few were from comments I made that were against there idea but structured in a non-offensive way.

Haha, for some reason human beings don't like being straight up told they're wrong.

Even if they are!


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah. I know I don't :-)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta