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RE: It Is Time For Leofinance To Reveal The True Name Of #ProjectBlank

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Ha! It has been so long now that I'm gonna have a hard time getting used to the new name.

We may as well should just call it project blank :-)

Googling.....Oh wait there is already a wetsuit company with that name :-0 No go then. Wouldn't want to pay lawyers from the get go.

Your reasoning is sound on this, but good luck with the campaign. @khaleelkazi is well fortified against the Wielders of Wen :-)

I do think some pre-release SEO would be good however.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Your reasoning is sound on this, but good luck with the campaign. @khaleelkazi is well fortified against the Wielders of Wen :-)

That might be but I post 4 times a day. That could be a lot of content stirring things up. LOL

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The wielders of wen are no match for the soldiers of soon

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile