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RE: Data and thoughts on votes in LeoFinance

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I just did a post about forms of abuse and self-voting is one that always causes debate. I said you need to be really confident your content has value to give it a vote as it ought to be up to the community. Who am I to decide if my stuff is any good?


Yeah I saw it and gave it a read as was top of my feed when I posted this.

Who am I to decide if my stuff is any good?

Check 'New' and make an assessment - I think you are worth 30p of your own investment each day Steve!

As you can probably tell I'm self-voting again and have been for a while. I don't think my content is the worst or the best so I don't consider that too much. I do consider the time and investment I've made though, and am currently of the opinion it's worth a few quid of my 'own money' each week. Mind you, there wont be 7, or 14, or 65 posts, more like 3/4 and so a good 90-95% of my VP to go around.

I can find enough by others to use up my daily votes. Giving myself one per day would make little difference to what I make, but it would not feel right. Just my choice.

Hear Hear. I wish I wish I wish everybody would take such an approach. I truly don't understand all those who self vote that this will give them more money in the end. Money less distributed to those who make this platform great, will eventually result in less great users, therefore much less great token values. Short term versus Long term. Am so puzzled to read from long-termers, they take the short term approach again. Somewhere the logic fails me. But, sure, I don't have to tell you since you already understand and go by the culture we need.

We definitely need to get more votes to the minnows to keep them engaged. I do give votes to bigger accounts, but if I see they self-voted then I will give them less. Of course many others just automate their votes and so do not check. I don't care that much about what I make from curation.


Same here! I generally vote for the good posts (mostly on the music side of things), but also vote to users who create ok to better content and try to get a place in our community, but may not be that great in doing so. Sometimes I help with some tips. Currently, my own account follows my proxy vote with a vote train connected, since I hardly have time to curate with my personal account as well. I concentrate on the low-value post, partially newbies, some not so newbie, sometimes long-term users with high rep (those without a following of auto voters anymore). I do see quite a few curators with vote trains voting for users showing they have no connection with HIVE (eg not engaging at all, some not even answering the comments they receive), which frustrates me when I see this. Selfvotes: I guess I also vote from time to time posts of users with self votes, but when I know this, I either don't give a vote at all, or a tiny one (like you do). For some reason, I don't like to comment on a post and not vote for the post itself 😉

Thank you for your engagement on this post, you have recieved ENGAGE tokens.

Fair enough :)