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RE: Priced out of your home?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

A mortgage is the biggest responsibility most of us will take. We have lucky to live through times of fairly low interest rates, but I know others had it tough not so long ago where the mortgage could be a lot more than the house was worth. Our house has gone up a lot in value, so that's not an issue, but then prices everywhere are up and so moving might not be cheap. As @revisesociology says your prices seem cheap compared with a lot of the UK, but then salaries can be different too.

The pandemic is likely to affect a lot of people, but they should be helped to keep their homes.


I think there are some programs out there now to help people with mortgage relief and things like that. The problem is you want to live in a nice neighborhood, but when you do, you have to pay the price for that, not just at the time of purchase but in the future as well.

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