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RE: My Hive stats for last month: not bad at all!

in LeoFinance4 years ago

That's a nice extra income even if you don't plan to spend it for now. I'm pretty happy with how I'm doing. Things are a bit hit or miss depending on which big accounts decide to support you. I have sold all my Steem now, but that helped boost my HP nicely. On target for orca this year. I can't justify spending more fiat on crypto for now, but I'll go with the flow.


Orca will be nice. I just upgraded to Dolphin. Been thinking of gong all-in. Haha.

Well congrats on Dolphin!

Buying more Steem/ Hive has so far worked really well for me - a gradual buy-in over years is the way I did it. Although with the Steem PD I've gone the other way - diversified into more BTC and LTC, the later not working out particularly well I must say.

You simply can't earn the return you get on here!

I am planning on buying in more, but I'm expecting the price to go down so I'm not going to make a massive one off purchase.

I'm very much into just buying a couple of hundred now and then, but that's just me.

I'm most comfortable looking at it as a savings income for now, given that I'd have to PowerDown to realise the non HBD bit of the earnings.

I seem to be getting some decent support from larger accounts, that of course could dry up at any point!

Orca would be a great achievement! Great use of all that Steem.