My account at splinderlands was robbed

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Today was a terrible day for me and also for my account at splinterlands.
At the evening ,after my all day job. i open my pc to play my favourite game.
For my surprise i was robbed .All my Dec tokens has gone and also all my sps.
A guy called "sergeyzol77" was hacked my account and stole everything from me.

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But the biggest wound for me was that in addition to my tokens he took all my cards and now it is almost impossible to play.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Oxi re file....

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Holy cow? That's sucks!
I'm not sure if you can get your cards back in any possible way, but I wish you good luck with that.
Any idea how he could get access to your account? Would be interesting, so I and other people know how to prevent this.

It was terrible my friend.I have no idea how this guy access to my account.I can't do anything to take my cards back.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta