Noob CUB Lessons: Getting Royally Rekt in the CUB-BUSD Farm

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I had to pull the plug on my CUB-BUSD farm holdings today as I was getting royally rekt!

Having patted myself on the back for picking up some CUB at $1.90ish, I quickly dashed over to the CUB-BUSD pool to farm it.

I felt good, look at those 500+% APRs - what could go wrong, right...?!

Here was a snapshot of my holdings around that time (24 March-ish):

118.01 CUB / 225.04 BUSD

(I would add screenshots but I can't add them for whatever reason right now).

Errr, and then the price of CUB started to shoot back up and look what happened...:

80.85 CUB / 330.05 BUSD

Yup, this was about a week later and so my CUB holding is fast diminishing.

I don't want more BUSD!!!

So I pressed eject today.


I transferred the CUB that I had left to the CUB Den and added some of the BUSD to the DAI-BUSD farm.

Boring, I know but I can't lose CUB at this rate. This was never the intention.

Let's see how long before the 400+% APRs tempt be back into the BIG high-ticket farms (again)...

It's all good fun - but, as ever, none of this is financial advice (as you can see, I am clueless in this area right now! lol)

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That's why I have stayed in the boring DEN, keeps my cub safe because for me, my goal has been more cub, not USD ROI

Great goal, for me if you waste your Cub you will never see them grow to fruition

Yep, I got attracted by the bright shiny lights of the farm APRs! 😂

You lost in number of CUBs but the value of each CUB went up, plus the increased amount of $ -> total value of pair should be higher. So I see no point in complaining about it. Just HODL and you will succeed.

Agreed, I just wanted to preserve the CUB numbers and regret not just hodling in the den.

No risk no fun! In the den it is more safe, but less APR. One can not have both!

DId you make a loss in dollar terms though? Can't you sell the BUSD, take the profit and buy more CUB/

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You're right, I haven't lost out in real terms as the BUSD value increased. I was just chuffed with the bargain price that I got the CUB at and hated seeing them evaporate!

Sounds like I'm slowly getting the hang of this DeFi lark. 😂

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👍 Learn by others' mistakes 😂

best to HODL until things stabalize

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You can't look at just one aspect. You haven't counted the CUB earned.

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Yeah, fair point. Doesn't quite meet the gap but it all counts for sure

Whoah, that's quite a number of CUBS you lost there. I am also on the farming on cub/BUSD, but on a much smaller scale than yours. Last time I checked was last night, and so far it's okay. I reinvest the Cubs earned from here in the cub den though.

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Yes, the den looks like the safe option right now!

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CUB is so crazy just HODL it and get some easy money

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I had costco ravioli for dinner but I didn't have any spaghetti sauce so it was kind of a boring dinner and I'm still hungry.

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