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RE: Snapshot Taken, Airdrop In Progress | LeoDex for Hive-Engine is Live With a New Feature: Richlists

in LeoFinance4 years ago

I lost 70 STEEM after this announcement as my buy orders got executed instantly!

Thank you!


The upvote wont get you the STEEM back but will get you some LEO in 7 days.

Posted via LeoFinance

Your gesture is more valuable than any amount of STEEM
Thanks a tonne 💓

@stupid, could you drop a TXID/Screenshot/both here or in #tech-support on our discord server of the buy market orders that were executed earlier today?

I'm not going to refund all buys that have happened since the announcement, as people may try to take advantage of that. But if your TX was early enough, I will refund you by buying an equivalent amount of LEO on Hive-Engine and sending it to your wallet. Thanks for your patience

Posted via LeoFinance

Thanks for your gesture! Here's the transaction id for my buy order:
bearing a time stamp of "2020-04-20T12:13:54.000Z"


Hope that's what you asked for.

I'm sorry, I ain't on discord. I understand that mistakes happen at times and I was only trying to point out that it could have been done in a better way perhaps. I don't really expect you guys to compensate me for that.

(But I was definitely expecting some powered-up rewards for setting you up as my proxy was committed during Steem tussle 😜. However, I don't know if that was ethical and I may have missed any announcement in that regard. What do I know, I'm just a @stupid!)

Hey, sorry it took me a few days to decide what exactly to do as far as refunds. Especially since the HIVE run-up snuck up on us at the same time.

We decided to refund LEO based on the current exchange rate if you were to sell that LEO into HIVE and then into STEEM (to get the equivalent amount or greater of the STEEMP used to purchase LEO after the airdrop took place).

I sent you 1000 LEO for your 70 STEEMP purchase (which is worth ~75+ STEEMP atm).

I also sent you the staked rewards for the witness proxy back in the day, not sure why we missed you for that but it's there now :)

Posted Using LeoFinance

Thanks a lot for sending me 1000 LEO to compensate my loss! Yes, the calculation part becomes very complicated if we take into account the current rates. I'm not good at math. So whatever you sent is a bonus for me ...esp. those forgotten reward of 250 stake. Frankly, I'd have voted those Witnesses anyway but your proxy made it easier to do for me and that reward was a good incentive to push me into action immediately :)

Thanks again for this pleasant surprise!

@steem.leo @stupid

I also sent you the staked rewards for the witness proxy back in the day, not sure why we missed you for that but it's there now :)

It looks that you haven't give me 250 LEO for witness proxy also. Have a look of screenshot...
Can i expect it or forget it?
