Saving With @susie-saver | Week 20 - May 18th | More Changes

in LeoFinance4 months ago

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Saving For Everything

Time to get that savings thing on once again! I used last year savings for my new TV, & my husband's Christmas present. I will more then likely use it again this year for the same and if I can save til the end of the year this time I will have a little more & will invest what's left (after presents) into Hive.

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The Week In Review

It's week 20 & things are going better than they have been lately. This week's amount to add is 9.52 and I was able to do so with no problem. This is an off week for my offline savings so no deposit this week.

This week I added 9.52 or more to my 365 tokens as reflected in the chart below, & the minimum plus to the primary & secondary tokens.

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Changes To My Chart

I had to choose some new tokens for various reasons. As many of you know Dhedge is soon coming to an end & as much as I have loved what they have done with the project, it was time to let it go. So I sold all my Dhedge and contributed those tokens to my savings. Finally, I've decided to replace #INDEX with something else since I'm not sure of it's fate eight now. INDEX is a great income token, but it belongs to the #CTP tribe which changed hands last year and I haven't heard much about what's happening with them. Their front end was down for a while but is back up now but they also closed down the well known #LISTNERDS site & I lost big from that as it happened some time while I was going through some personal stuff. When I returned, I could no longer sign in, which resulted in me losing over 25K in #CTP tokens & nearly just as many #LISTNERDS tokens. I trying not to loose any more. I rather cash them in & get whatever I can.

The Plan & Goal

This year I plan to do a similar thing like last year, with two tokens as my main focus and 4 tokens using the 365 plan along with saving in my native fiat (USD).


My main Focus this year will be LGN & LOH. I plan to add a minimum of 20 tokens to LOH & 10 tokens to LGN each week. For the 365 plan, I have made some changes to the tokens in my plan. I'm still building my LBI. but the other 3 tokens haven changed. I stopped building INDEX, DHEDGE, & PIMP, and have started building CINE, COM, & ALIVE.

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Why These 6 Tokens

As with all tokens, my desire is to gain as many as possible. In addition to that, I caught interest in them when they came to Hive or when I discovered them. I would like hodl a very high number of these tokens & this is one way to help me get there.

LGN is an income token from the BROfund and being that it's from the BRO family it stays on my radar. It also has use case in a few games. I would like to hodl at least 50K.

LOH is a reward token & a tipping token. This token belongs to the community on Hive that recognize & reward the woman of Hive. I like what this community stands for & represents. I would like to hodl at least 5K at this time but this may change in the future.

LBI is a investment token from SPInvest and is backed by LEO. I'm looking to hodl at least 1000 of them & if things go well for me this year, I just might make it.

CINE I changed from POB as I'm not sure about the token. I don't know much about it or it's benefits for hodling it. So with CINETV I know that it's about movies & entertainment. I also know that with this token I can get rewards for sharing all the TV shows I watch on a daily basis. However, since this token is so easy to stack I can see me obtaining my goal and moving on.

COM This is another great Income token from the #HiveHustlers community. It drips me a little swap.hive on a daily basis. I also earn COM by delegating to the @hivelist account. I look to eventually hold at least 10K.

ALIVE I like this token for the tipping feature. It does have other use cases but is a reward token as well. It also is an income token that drips me other second layer tokens for my staked share. I wish to hold at least 10K.

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My Native Fiat Savings (USD)

This is an off week, so there was no deposit to be made. My balance is $216.85 . When comparing my savings to the 365 Compound Plan as it grows, this week I now have enough for just under week 30 amount of $219.45.

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There may not be a deposit every week as I only get fiat every two weeks & doubling up is not always an option. I would like to save $10 - $15 each week, but not sure if I can make that happen. However, what I want is a bit much for me, but I will do my best. There will be weeks when I will be able to save more than others and some weeks, I may not be able to save anything at all, but I will do my best.

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Thanks reading my savings post & I look forward to sharing my savings with you this year!!

See Ya Next week!

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Come join us in saving for your future!!

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Header banner made in Canva with their graphics & my FB avatar

Signature banner made in Canva with their graphics, FB avatar & my pics

Text Dividers Made in Canva designed by me using their graphics

some text dividers from @eve66 on #hivestockimsges

Saturday Savers Banner copied & pasted with their permission

Charts are my own made in MS Excel


Hi, you created a great post and as such you have been selected as a 'Saver of the week' with the #saturdaysavers club !
The Savers of the Week post can be found here:
Thanks for producing great content.
I hope you have a great week - and keep on stacking !!!!
Cheers @hoosie



Hello @successchar. A good week for you in terms of rebalancing your Tokens and savings strategy. I understand about cutting your losses and investing elsewhere.

ALIVE: Flaxz has not been active on Hive since early January. The Thursday staking event was moved to Sunday, then nothing for the past five months. I liked the token for tipping purposes, however, due to Flaxz's disappearance, I'm unstaking my holdings and moving on.

CTP/LISTNERDS: What a disappointment, but I saw it coming. I feel that the original owners couldn't get it together in terms of a stable product. It's customer service became nil. They simply lost interest in attempting to deliver a product their members felt comfortable investing in. Those expensive monthly subscription were cancelled en masse. What one received in exchange for the money spent I felt wasn't equitable. The way the situation unfolded was not to my liking. I have cut ties.

I'm not interested in participating in CTP again, so haven't attempted to log in. I did, however, log into ListNerds successfully, even today, so it's still working for now. As you say, don't know its fate with little info given. Perhaps the new owner is trying to revive it.

DHEDGE: Divested my holdings also.

SSC savings I also accumulated till year-end, then used for online and offline purchases. A Xmas fund is a good idea for the savings.

Thanks for sharing your progress and info on the various tokens. Take care.


Thanks!! Looks like I need to do a little more rebalancing in light of your info.
Thanks for all this info.

ALIVE: Flaxz has not been active on Hive since early January.
I was looking for some newer stuff from Flaxz, but didn't see any & it had me wondering what was going on. I will more than likely do the same as you.
CTP/LISTNERDS: What a disappointment, but I saw it coming.
As soon as Jon went out & got a regular job, I had the feeling that things were gonna go south. However, everything transpired while I was goin through my mom's sickness & passing. When I returned, all I was reading about was how he sold CTP to pursue his career & just do hive for his own reasons. At that point I knew things were not going to be the same. However, I just tried to get into listnerds again & it let me in after I reset my password. I've un-staked everything & moving on.
I had been a part of CTP since 2010 when it first started & remained in later years because of Jon beefore CTP came to Hive(steem). The new owner is supposed to be reviving slowly, but I don't even see him around hive, so that's it for me.

Your talks with me made me realize that there was more to Hive than what CTP had to offer me. And I'm glad you were there to inspire me.

I have other tokens I've been watching so maybe it's time for me to work on them.

Thanks again for evrything!!


You are welcome. I was with CTP since the early beginning and have been burnt so many times as others who have followed Jon. After his disastrous run-in with PAYPAL, I knew it was over for that industry.

I looked outside of CTP starting in 2019 when I saw that regular members weren't being supported. I knew it was time to leave the Tribe. I wanted to write short fiction and design digital art. My life changed on Hive spreading out and meeting new people in other communities and participating in writing exercises in the Freewrite Communities and others.

I feel you'd do well in Silver Bloggers.

Hope to see you around. Take care.

Initially my experience with CTP & Jon was good and for me they were quite supported of me, but maybe because at that time I was really into affiliate marketing. I wasn't there for the paypal disaster (Thank God), but I've heard the stories. I've used paypal for years & never had a problem. So, I base my usage on my own experience, not someone else's' . But, then I've never had thousands of dollar in there & would not have kept all my money there anyways.
Now my life is on a different path, and I don't want to 'fake it til I make it' anymore.

I have been in the Silver Bloggers Community, but didn't feel a connection. I go back every now & then to see what's happening.

See Ya Later!

Unless you were onboard with affiliate marketing and hyping it up without it actually working for you, then you got ZERO support.

You are correct in that you must feel a connection with a Community, and for that, remembering it's the people who make up the community, especially the leaders, some are not as welcoming and engaging. But they want Hive members to publish and engage there. Go figure.

Take care.

Yeah, maybe that was it. When I lost my job in 2015, I got back into affiliate marketing and was going strong. After not being able to find work after about a year, I was determined to find a way to make money online. My earnings on Hive has been more than I've ever made in 20 years of affiliate marketing.

The savings club has been the most friendly community that I have been a part of. That's has a lot to do with why I try to stay as active as possible there. Otherwise, I just join different contest & sweepstakes and play a few games.


View or trade LOH tokens.

@successchar, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @justclickindiva and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (1/6 calls)

Use !LADY command to share LOH! More details available in this post.

View or trade LOH tokens.

@justclickindiva, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @successchar and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (1/22 calls)

Use !LADY command to share LOH! More details available in this post.


$PIZZA slices delivered:
successchar tipped hoosie
hoosie tipped successchar
@successchar(1/15) tipped @justclickindiva