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RE: Get Your Fees Under Control, or Fade-Away to the Competiton?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Even one of the biggest gaming Blockchain Nft studios is dumping ETH
It is because mainly of the costs of buying and selling for example on the marketplace here
that they put in an initial side chain JUMPNET where game devs etc can mint and transact now for free.
One of the leading games is "Lost Relics" with around 2000 players per day online and there are thousands of items yet to be minted in players' virtual wallets.
I must have spent at least $1000 on gas fees in last 6 weeks or so selling enj nft items that I have looted/picked up/gained in enj bc games.

The ultimate solution is their product EFINITY.. built as a parachain and aiming to incorporate all Bc nft's from ANY chain all into 1 place via EFI coin
Its usage is far too many to list, will have to read the WP but for mass adoption purposes into the gaming sector its pretty neat.


That's impressive how they are pivoting and developing their own solution to empower the community the people creating the value, rather than relying on a seemingly static chain that isn't budging on their excessive fees.

It's also nuts to me that people pay money for in game items :O Enjin is doing good for gamers though hehe.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta