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RE: Starting my #NoGameNovember a bit early... And it turns out that I was losing about $140 a day playi

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I still think we're going to see a shift, as we move into week 2 and 3 of this airdrop... but I could be totally wrong.

I believe the shift is coming as we enter half way of the presale. Currently more than 25% of the total vouchers airdropped, but only 5% used for purchase. The SPS price is lower every day and i'm curious what price level 'll trigger the turning point on the usage of the vouchers. If the most people planned to unstake for the last days, the price could downfall. Everyone should rethink their strategy, because waiting till the last days can cause a negative outcome.

Well... Playing my deck, in Gold 1 and then in Diamond as the season progresses, I make from $10 to maybe $20 a day in DEC rewards, and pretty negligible daily/season rewards these days.

I was curious how much could be earned in those upper leagues, and thankfully you gave the numbers. As you realised renting out is more beneficiary than using the cards on your own, i think do not rent cards to go higher league is better choice for me as well. Not only the rent prices are way too high at the moment but the cards too. The last "antibot" update caused it to happen, while i guess it did not resolve the problem it planned to do so...


Hi! What's the antibot update? I wonder why I don't meet as mutch bots as usual. !PIZZA

No rewards within Bronze III ranked play at all. The previous "antibot update" was no DEC reward in Bronze league chests and card drop rate is lower (25%). Beside its against the botters, it also make hard for new comers who can not invest a proper amount into the game...

Aha, I see. Well, doesn't make sense to invite even more bot players for milking the incentives. Looks like the best way to come into higher ranks is to team-up. I remember there is lots of opportunity for battle streaks with a decent stack of level 1 cards that are not in the spell book. I'm not sure whether this is still a good strategy, yet I will see how my doughter is going to make it who just starts with her very own spell book and teams-up with her brother and I.

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