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RE: Things That May Affect You Emotionally in the Bull Market without Knowing

in LeoFinance4 months ago

Some narratives can be really contagious, selling us on a possibility that could or is about to happen. For me, I like to feel the emotion but not react to it, as in let it influence what I do next. As you rightly pointed out, some of these narratives are mere speculation. So it's always important to be as realistic as possible during this whole bull season. 'DCA out' is something I've been thinking a lot lately as an exit strategy, I think it seems more actionable than a single price point exit strategy.


I like to feel the emotion but not react to it, as in let it influence what I do next

You have to be strong not to be affected from some threshold upward. I suppose it depends on how cold and calculated we can be in emotional/stressful situations.

So it's always important to be as realistic as possible during this whole bull season.

Most people lose touch with reality during the latest phases of the bull market. I'm curious if now that I keep an eye on the market state of mind and my own even more than on prices I'll do better than the previous cycle.

'DCA out' is something I've been thinking a lot lately as an exit strategy, I think it seems more actionable than a single price point exit strategy.

I think it's the most rational thing to do. With the caveat that once we take profits we don't go back into the market during the same cycle. At least I won't. I burned myself a few times trying to ride several waves during the same cycle. The bull market is too short in crypto and emotions too intense to not make mistakes if you jump from one thing to the next.

I think that would probably be the case, since you'll be better prepared to handle intense emotions than previous cycles.

I'm quite comfortable with that caveat of 'DCA out', take some time off to re-evaluate and re-strategize before jumping back into the market.