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RE: Too Late to Fail

in LeoFinancelast month

Exactly, in many ways, the underdog has become the top now. Crypto's innovative and rediscovery ability is probably what they're trying to use to face lift the Tradfi system, so to speak.

Right! I think that's a likely possibility, they're already vying to be at the helm of the important ones, becoming the captain of them. In some ways, I think this would work only for awhile, because the community aspects of these projects will not accept a new and perhaps, foreign captain.


I think this would work only for awhile, because the community aspects of these projects will not accept a new and perhaps, foreign captain.

Hopefully. It was the people in the crypto space who almost begged Wall Street to get involved... To get their bags pumped, as it is said. For many, it's all that matters.