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RE: Let's Get Physical

You needn't have faith, for your beautiful wife has the faith and that leaves you with the hope! It's a beautiful team.

At times I believe the masses are waking to the realization that the system is doomed and they need to take a different track...the one leading to crypto. And then.....they are scared to death of the unknown and refuse to listen to any more 'hocus pocus'. You just can't drag some people away from their staid way of thinking.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


And then.....they are scared to death of the unknown and refuse to listen to any more 'hocus pocus'.

Maybe they think they have heard these promises before, and it hasn't panned out. The difference is who is doing the promising I believe. Decentralized governance is very different to centralized authority.

Agreed...time will win them over. The skeptics among them will be forced to see the difference as they are thrown under the bus time and time again by the centralized authorities.

It seems the old adage you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink is more relevant now then ever. I can't even make my own family see the light lol. One day....