
Yeah, different issues as you say. HIV/AIDS, drugs, violence, accidents and so many other issues here that leave the children behind as orphans. Before we moved down here, our total of township children that Papillon supported was about 1500.

I hope that within my lifetime, I a get to see at least some change in the disaster that is humanity.

Well I hope with you my friend, but it seems that the days of the biblical Kings has returned.
Atrocities are becoming insane lately and that can only breed more intense evils.

Atrocities are becoming insane lately and that can only breed more intense evils.

It is worse than before, as we hold the collective knowledge of all our history and the most advanced set of tools ever created - and we are still acting as if we are mindless animals.

Simply because we have created this wide span between the haves and the have nots my friend.
We claim to be advanced but most men walk around with revolution and revenge in their hearts.
We hear so many ugly stories in the charity world about mankind's maltreatment of the poor.

A big festering sore that we fostered and nurtured over the ages and the walls of the lake of discontent are finally starting to break.

"In those days time will be cut short as no human would be able to survive.
For then there will be great tribulation such as has not been from the beginning of the world, until now and never will be"

Simply because we have created this wide span between the haves and the have nots my friend.

Yes, and most don't want to understand why the gap exists, while they are the core creators and supporters of it. I know this is difficult to understand at a localized level, but the world economy is globalized and insensitive to any location.

Exactly. Another trap is that small percentage that clings to their riches. They have it all sown up and now crypto is threatening their kingdoms.
I sow wish that crypto would turn into a liberating tool, but it has its own hoarders.