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RE: Trees, meet forest

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Far more than 10% know about it - but they don't know that much! However, the demographics are changing fast as younger users are coming in. Bitcoin was high at 100 dollars for many, 1000, 10000 and 30000 it will only be higher at 100,000 and a million. However, people have to consider there own position and what is the right path for them - too many though are looking to pay next week's bills, not every bill they will ever have for the next 50 years.


I notice that in covid pandemic time, more and more people are entering online sector. And they are choosing cryptocurrency first of all who knows about the potentiality and power of crypto sector.

It is a natural progression of remote work as well as layoffs. People have the time and opportunity, as well as the need to try different ways to earn income streams.

Thanks a lot. I am not so good at working on hive as well as leo. Can you please help me providing a link where i can able to see my account information and statistics.

Thanks a lot mate. I am glad to find a helpful guy like you. You are warmly welcomed to visit me.

Hey @steemibu351 you should also add and try to have many more tools and a complete panoramic of the information and statistics of your account.

Cheers!! :)