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RE: The Devil's Details

in LeoFinance2 years ago

She has a pretty decent savings account that she earns a laughable amount of interest on.

Inflation in the US in February: 7.9%
Hope she is getting more than that in interest!

This means that if she has 100K, she will effectively have 92K of today's buying power next year. What a deal! I know you know this, but just in case someone reading doesn't ;)

Once you get in the habit of it not being there, you don't even miss it.

This is the trick for most I think - out of sight, out of mind.


Yeah, no problem. Thanks for the tip. I am going to be spending some time with her and her husband in the next week, so maybe we can have a conversation about it again and I can point this out to her.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is weird to talk about money with friends - but I am getting used to it :)

I am pretty open with people I am comfortable with and I feel like I have some good wisdom to share. I have been deep in debt and brought myself out of it to the favorable position I am in now. If I can help someone avoid my mistakes all the better.