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RE: Another year spent for the future

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I can't draw jam or doughnuts apparently

Thank you. It looked a lot like that! :D

He's been looking into p2p lending recently so baby steps I guess?

I like cash too, but in Finland now it is harder to get, as they keep taking ATMs away. Wouldn't he land on crypto pretty soon? :D

I find it weird that people are using Ethereum for those things - especially if they are going to be high volume

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Probably taking atms away trying to force people to use electronic money while (not incorrectly) claiming it's because people are already using card anyway because it's more convenient and the atms were getting too costly to run.

I had parenthesised text there but removed it because it was getting very long XD

I've been trying to get him into crypto (specifically hive XD) for the last couple of years; the last actual conversation we had about it he said something along the lines of not knowing why people would take the risk on something unsecured and unregulated. I did say he could invest $10 rather than $10k (or whatever huge amount you need for normal stocks) but I don't think he wanted to hear me (or just couldn't comprehend this because used to dealing with larger numbers with stock markets). He got exponentially conservative with the arrival of the second child and again with the purchase of the house and the third though.

They keep complaining about the gas fees but critical mass => more eyeballs => higher prices I guess.