Buying and Opening 2 Gladius Cases and 5 Major Chests

in LeoFinancelast month

In the last Brawl, I fought 8 battles and won 7 of them, and my Immortal Gods 7 guild, of which I am a member, came in 1st place. After Brawl, I bought two Gladius Cases and opened them. Also, I bought and opened 5 Major chests to try my luck. Here are the cards I got;

Since I want to make my deck richer in terms of gladiator cards, I buy and open Gladius cases without waiting as I accumulate Merit. The Gladiator cards are really powerful and I can't wait to level them up and I'm happy to get 10 more copies of them today.

I received 9 cards, 7 Alchemy Potions and 262 Merits from the Major chests. I really missed looting chests and now being able to get potions and Merits from chests was a great update. I think Major Chests are the best option for me, and I plan to buy more of them as I accumulate Glint tokens.

I hope you get great rewards. Best of luck to everyone.

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