I Unlocked the Silver League by Skipping 2 Leagues on the First Day of the Season

in LeoFinancelast month

I started the new season from the Bronze II League and made a great start, advancing through 2 leagues in less than 24 hours and unlocking the Silver League.

I've had my best start ever and I'm in the silver III leaguefor the first time on the first day of the season.

Also, today I want to share the battle that allowed me to unlock the silver league.

Battle Link : https://splinterlands.com?p=battle&id=sl_34a31625b1199a2c07888d0eed13b05f&ref=tariksaran

Especially my gladiator and reward cards help me a lot in winning battles, so I see the great benefits of playing Splinterlands for a long time, so I like to buy packs and open them. I believe that if I make my deck a little bigger, I can even advance to gold 3 so I aim to collect more Glint in the new season and buy more chests from the reward shop.

I had a great start to the new season, I hope I can continue the same way. I hope you get great rewards. Best of luck to everyone.

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