Splinterlands End of Season Report and Opening Major and Minor Chests

in LeoFinancelast month

I completed last season in Splinterlands in the Silver II league and received 6,039 Glint as a reward at the end of the season. Even though the battles were quite tough, I am happy to finish last season in silver 2. And to try my luck, I bought and opened 10 Major and 20 Minor chests, here are the rewards I got from the chests.




It was great to get the energies from the chests, and since I got another copy of the Iidri Fyre card, I managed to upgrade it to level 2 today. I also got a lot of Merit. Buying major chests seems more logical for me, so I plan to buy only major chests from now on.



Also, since I got 11 energy from the chests, my energy exceeded 50, so I had to fight, which quickly advanced me to bronze 1. It was great to advance quickly to the Bronze 1 league.

My goal is to advance to the gold league and I will do my best for this.

I hope you get great rewards. Best of luck to everyone.