Post Labor Economics: What Might Happen

in LeoFinance14 days ago

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This is a topic that is getting a bit more attention as we see AI and robotic advancement.

In this video I discuss what this concept is and how things might evolve. We go into what jobs could be at risk first and what might end up protected. Also, I delve into the mindset barrier that is likely to persist for a while.

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I think this is a good idea. Discussing these things while still a bit early is good, so we can be prepared for when it affects even more people. Generative and factory work seem to be the closest ones to be replaced by AI and Robots respectively. I am thinking it can slowly creep into the medical industry slowly. Carrying patients, helping in therapy, and help in triaging patients.

This is just a step you are pushing for. Let's take it seriously and try to find solutions before it's too late

People in my country are forced to take education in the form of "Data Science" more and more because of the extreme rise of AI and automation especially since 2023.