Canada Could Be Censoring Podcasts: Why Web3 Is Needed

in LeoFinance9 months ago

Canada, according to its government, is remaking its broadcasting system. This is an interesting way to summarize it. As someone who promotes freedom, remake could be considered censorship.

It all starts with a registration.

Once that happens, governments could start to dictate the terms. This is the path that Canada is following.

We now have another step forward with the potential regulation of podcasts.

All of this is showing why the world is desperate for Web3. It is going to be crucial to get the infrastructure in place to ensure that this cannot occur.

This is very disturbing.


Canada's Regulations

Let us look at the two major regulations that are going in place.

The first is as follows:

First, the CRTC is setting out which online streaming services need to provide information about their activities in Canada. Online streaming services that operate in Canada, offer broadcasting content, and earn $10 million or more in annual revenues will need to complete a registration form by November 28, 2023. Registration collects basic information, is only required once and can be completed in just a few steps.

We see the starting point is registration.

This is not individual but the streaming services. This mean Netflix, Spotify, Apple, and whoever else streams content, whether video or directly. Instead, it is targeting the, is required to register. This does not affect the individual podcasts or the subscribers

Up next is where it gets really interesting.

Second, the CRTC is setting conditions for online streaming services to operate in Canada. These conditions take effect today and require certain online streaming services to provide the CRTC with information related to their content and subscribership. The decision also requires those services to make content available in a way that is not tied to a specific mobile or Internet service.

The rules require these services to provide information regarding the content and subscribership. Why would they have to do this?

It is obviously this is being done to ensure the government approves of the content. We also can presume the data will be used to see who is following what, allowing the government to track all activities.

We can see it is not hard to read the nefarious intentions that are taking place here. With the recent history of the government, we have an idea where this is all heading.

Global Action

Canada is not alone in this. Last year, the Biden Administration tried to do something similar in the United States. While not as far reaching, it was meant to provide "oversight" to the information the public had access to. In other word, the government was going to be directly involved.

This received a lot of pushback and was scrapped. However, we can see the trend is in place.

As governments find themselves under attack, politicians are going to seek to cut off the communications people have. Disinformation is the norm. The problem is that it is coming from the major news sources. They are fed propaganda meant to sway the opinions of the masses.

To test this, simply look at how many "conspiracy theories" over the last 5 years came true after the mainstream said it was nonsense.

Those in cryptocurrency know the push towards tyranny is in full swing. Central bank digital currencies are a move to put the money in the hands of these same politicians and bureaucrats.

Web3 Is the Solution

Fortunately, we are working on a solution.

People will find that Web3 is going to offer something they have nowhere else. An overlooked feature right now is the fact that accounts are at risk.

For the moment, this lies in the hands of the platform owner. Hence, YouTube, Facebook, or X can all cancel an account based upon the ToS.

But what happens when governments get involved? If a streaming platform such as Spotify has to register in Canada, what is to prevent the government from forcing the removal of a podcast? It will come up with some nice term like terrorist, dissident, or something that will frame it in a way that makes the government look noble.

Could it do the same to accounts? Of course.

The monetary and financial situation is what garners a lot of the attention. This, however is as big a factor, if not bigger.

Web3 has offered the solution. On Hive, there is true account ownership. As long as one is in control of his or her keys, the account is accessible. This also means that it can engage in with the database, something that is severed under Web 2.0.

For all the talk about why web3 is needed and where it is, this is the answer. While it is still being constructed, the fact that censorship resistant information is vital to our freedom. Look at the most tyrannical regimes in the last 100 years. What is one thing they all had in common? They controlled the media and information that people received.

Governments are out of control. The political establishment around the world is completely corrupt. We had the passing of a long time U.S. Senator recently. She was a public servant making $200K per year.

Yet, according to records, at the time of her passing, her net worth was $160 million.

Sadly, this is not an isolated incident within the U.S. or most other countries.

Web3 is the disruptor. It starts with a couple fundamental blocks.

The first is true account ownership. This means one's account cannot be closed, taken, or canceled. It is in the hands of the individual. Some will call this digital sovereignty.

Another important factor is that it allows for the transfer of information to whomever one wants. This means the communication flow is not permissioned. If I have access to my account, I can write whatever I desire in this article. At the same time, it is possible to tag anyone with an account. This means direct, albeit not private, communication can take place.

This is why projects such as SpkNetwork are crucial. It is looking at reworking the way data is stored to ensure those who post it do not get censored.

For all the talk about Lambos, money, and green candles, this is actually much bigger. We are witnessing, first hand, why Web3 is crucial.

What is Hive

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


You go, @taskmaster4450! This is my fave post of yours to date.

As a founder and futurist, I had a visceral reaction to the threats of podcast censorship as you so beautifully described. This is not trivial. It's not like bleeping out words...It's more of putting a lock on the jaws of thought and expression. Let's keep them free. I stand with you.

#leverage #freedom #rebellion #cwh


It is right out of the tyrant playbook, just adapted for the modern world.

Today's podcasts are, in many ways, similar to the media of a century ago. The most tyrannical regimes took control of the media, i.e. the information that the people could see.

North Korea does not likely have a free press. Of course, we could make that case for most of the west also.

A few years back, I sold my house, my design firm, and all my Junior League ball gowns to take my shot at studying Architectural Design abroad. From my first waking day on English soil, what I heard and read blew my mind. To my surprise, the news perspective was dissimilar to that of my country of birth, USA.

In fact, whenever America got tangled up in another controversy or the President misstepped before her late Majesty, Queen Elizabeth, I would, as they say in my home state, catch holy hell from my Belgravia, London neighbors.

It was politcal whiplash for me. I thought I knew what I believed to be true. I was wrong. As you say, @taskmaster4450le, purposed like the media of a century ago, it doesn't report the level facts. Whomever owns the media, owns the message.

Yep. The problem is that, with Canada, it isnt going to matter. The owner of the platform (or media) answers to the gov't. This means that they are able to push the propaganda where they wanted.

If more Americans would go abroad, they would learn how blind they truly are.

I am yet to wrap my head around how and why Canada, of all developed and most open nations, could do this. What do they start to gain? I'm curious even more.
Web 3.0 to the rescue, a borderless waya to commenucate anad diseminate information is here, Web 3.0

Easy to pick on Canada but they are not alone. That is why I mentioned what the US tried to do. They were not far off.

It is all about control. The political class is making it obvious that it is now concerned with itself only and views the population as the enemy.

Due to limitations of web-2 and subjugation, censorship, everyone is starting to realize the importance of web-3. Thanks for sharing a nice topic.

I disagree.

I dont thing most even think about this. We are looking at a situation where the masses do not even pay attention.

They are still in their web 2 world.

Well, there goes another win for web3. However hive needs to go out there and bring in more people to just view and curate what they like.

Not sure it is a win but it is another reason for web3 to be around.

The only way to truly free ourselves is to develop our own decentralized infrastructure. If Hive becomes a threat to them, and they wanted to cripple it, they could, for example, target the image hosting companies, exchanges, ISPs, servers, etc. that interact with the Hive network. Just open a few fake Hive accounts, post some racist stuff, and boom, black-listed by the feds, then any company that interacts with the Hive network suffers the consequences. It has happened before on other networks.

Maybe we should all move to El Salvador and power Hive with the volcano. 😄

Absolutely correct.

Infrastructure is the most important component to this. Without it, all this is theory.

We see developers now going with PWA instead of building mobile apps since Apple and google control that. Each layer needs attention and decentralization.

Canada every day is going more to the left side of the political espectre. Is the perfect recet to become in a disaster

That is true although it is a mistake to think it is the left only.

In the US, we have a problem because many people think the Democrats are the problem and the republicans are the answer. That is the divide and conquer strategy at work.

Power is what both sides want. They both seek to grow it.

Task, your not antigovernment are you? !lol

The following is the link for your quote.

The CRTC will hold a three-week public proceeding starting on November 20, 2023, and will hear from 129 intervenors representing a broad range of interests.

I think it is important to have some measures in place to help protect from and manage risks.

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I like to mooooove it mooooooove it

Credit: reddit
@taskmaster4450, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of fjworld


I am anti-tyranny.

Unfortunately, history keeps repeating itself with people in government establishing just that.

Of course, corporations are no better. They are just as tyrannical.

True some corporations are not playing fair.

For example, companies light Meta and Alphabet make a huge amount of money from Canadian content they share all over the world. They profit from the content but they do not contribute to the ecosystem that produces valuable content. Unlike our Canadian media company that are obliged to contribute to Canadian content in a positive way.

Now Meta shows its true color by doing its own censorship.

Yep. They can do what they want. Lets be honest, Meta and Google are bigger than any governments. They have billions of users.

I am fine with them being huge but no need for the outright dishonest conduct, greed and preventing needed competition.


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Publishing a podcast, and not reaching the audience because of the lack of visibility is probably worse than the censorship. The Hive blockchain really need a proper application and real content consumers. Nowadays the most Hive blockchain users are content creators.


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Thank goodness for places like Hive and the work Adam Curry and Dave Jones and @brianoflondon and fellow Podcasting 2.0 developers are doing to ensure the continuation of RSS = freedom.

This is certainly bad news, first podcast then who knows what’s next? Hopefully this does not happen at all. Or better yet all of us should do our part into pushing web3 with more aggressiveness.

Thanks a lot for sharing this.
Most of us didn't actually understand the necessity of the Web3. All we were glad at was the fact that the monetary benefits are centralized. We never really get to know the freedom of expression this offers. But with this explanation, you have enlightened us the most on the vast benefits of web3. Many thanks to the developers.