Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Is Everything

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

We still operate in a world that puts things in different compartments. Unfortunately, that goes counter to technology which tends to converge things together.

This is something we see in different businesses. If we look at most publicly traded companies, we can tell what sector they are in. One will be in retail while something else will be in automotive. However, if we ask an executive at a technology company "what business are you in", the answer is "any one we want".

The point is that technology helps to transcend boundaries. Things that are nicely organized get completely upended when technology is involved.

For this reason, it is vital to look at what is taking place in cryptocurrency, not from the financial perspective but rather, the technological.

We are dealing with programmable money and then some.


Internet Of Value Exchange

What is the next generation Internet? This is a topic that gets a lot of discussion. We also come up with a wide range of answers. It seems everyone has a different idea, none of which are truly wrong at this point. This is a period of design and development meaning the path is still being forged.

The obvious point is we are moving into Web 3.0. It is a term we hear tossed around of lot but what does it mean?

One of the key components is going to be this: it will be the Internet of Value Exchange.

We are certain to see the Internet where value is going to be captured and transferred. What value you might ask? All of it.

This is where blockchain and cryptocurrency are taking us. We are able to apply value to whatever is desired. This can be in the form of a traditional cryptocurrency or a NFT that is applied to only a individual item. What is powerful is this will apply to both physical and virtual assets.

It is safe to say the process of "digitizing" real world assets is underway. This is just getting started. Over the next half decade, large steps forward will be realized. This coincides with the creation of a digital layer across our physical realm. With sensors going in by the billions, we are seeing things such as digital twins becoming a reality.

All of this is converging at the same time.

DeFi Is Not Finance

There is a lot of discussion about decentralized finance and how a parallel system is being constructed. We focus upon what is in the traditional financial world, then look to mirror it in many ways. Of course, the major difference is that we seek not to create more centralized entities controlling everything.

That said, this is the first generation based upon our mental reference points. This is very typical with technology.

For example, when the personal computer was first entering the work environment, people were uncertain what it was. Therefore, they had to frame it in a way they could comprehend. Thus, the first wave of personal computers, to those people, were advanced typewriters that allowed them to save their work.

As we are all aware, the computer is (and was) a lot more than that. However, that is the way things operate. We harken upon the reference points we have and build based upon that. It is no surprise that word processing, i.e. document creation, was one of the first, real world, use cases for personal computing.

This is no different. Decentralized finance, as a technology, is just starting to sprout. Ultimately, it is going to be one of those converging forces.

When asked what does decentralized finance apply to, the answer will be "everything".

At present, we are seeing infrastructure being developed. This is going to take another couple years at a minimum. We have a lot of construct before we have something that is viable. However, once the foundation is in place, we are going to see DeFi expand into everything.

Essentially, it is the basis for Web 3.0. The core of the next generation Internet is the Internet of value exchange.

Tokenization Of Everything

If DeFi is in everything, that means that anything can be tokenized. This is a concept that was discussed for a number of years.

Now, we are seeing the practicality of that starting to emerge. There are opportunities cropping up everywhere we turn. Mainstream companies are beginning to realize how they need to be involved in this.

For example, we have traditional gaming companies embracing the #Play2Earn idea. Certainly, if they are going to succeed long term, they will have to adapt and tokenize their games in some form.

The basic essence of the future is "pay me". This might sound a bit cold but it isn't as it seems.

We are dealing with the attention economy. When everything is tokenized, people are valued for their time, efforts, and attention. Where they choose to focus is going to be rewarded.

Also, the tokenization process is going to be a unifying mechanism. Our present system is exclusionary. This is not going to be the case in the next decade. By that time, the walls of separation that exist within the financial world should have been torn down. Even if regulators insist on trying to control, as they do now, we will see develop build right around them. Decentralization is going to be a key factor moving forward.

What this does is enable people to leverage the knowledge of others while getting involved in very profitable situations. For example, with real estate, often the most beneficial projects, from a financial perspective, were the most expensive. Some of the world's richest people grew their wealth through real estate, development in particular. They were able to build huge developments across a particular geographic region. Whether residential or commercial, this is not a low-end operation. There is plenty of money required as well as expertise.

Naturally, most of us are exempt from this. Other than, perhaps buying stock in a publicly traded home builder, we are on the outside looking in. Someone else is going to make the money.

Not so with tokenization. Here we can see a clear way that anyone can get involved. Since DeFi will be in everything, the focus or effort in one area, which translates into tokens, can be shifted into another area. Stated another way, the value we garner in one (or many) area can be transferred into a real estate project that offers tremendous returns. While our stake might be small, it will allow us to individually benefit. We will partake from the expertise and abilities of others.

Thus, we can see how the digital layer of the world that is being created is also going to have decentralized finance interwoven throughout. The fact that most everything will end up tokenized ensures this.

Someday people will ask, "what business are you in" and you will reply "anyone I want".

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I just think the current financial system can't survive for long. It just keeps on trying to kick the can down the road and nobody really wants to deal with the long wait times. So programmable or digital money is definitely the way to go.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I just think the current financial system can't survive for long.

I actually think it will hand on longer than people think. It is on a steady decline, which will end up pull things away economically.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

"We harken upon the reference points we have and build based upon that." - So true.

For example, I've seen projects trying to integrate compliance into blockchain, which eliminates the purpose entirely. We need to open our minds to new concepts like staking, AMMs, and transparent governance.

I agree. Thinks are changing rapidly due to technology. This is moving ahead at the same pace as other ones. This means it is on an exponential curve. A lot of development is feeding into that.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I just tell people I play and get paid. Sometimes it's a video game, sometimes it's spewing whatever foolish idiocy my face shits out in here, but I'm currently in the business of exchanging nonsense for cash. Sometimes I call it work to see if I can keep a straight face... I never can.

Oh, then there's all the interest and dividends, but that's a different game...

Edit to add that it dawned on me I kinda already am into whatever I want.

I’m not good at most of it or credible by any stretch, but some days I’m a philosopher, others a teacher, most an idiot, as clearly stated above, but sometimes a mad genius, whether anyone else agrees or not, lol.

I’m being playful but not to distract from a valid point. We all do our thing here but no one is beholden to it.

You could stop talking about futurology and technology, dress like a clown and rant about your disapproval of the mating habits of African bees.

You’d lose a few followers but gain others. I’d stick around just to watch. That’d be an epic twist. But the point is we already do whatever we want, here and now, and we’re only pioneers with primitive tools. Just wait until civilization catches up.

but I'm currently in the business of exchanging nonsense for cash

This depends on the viewpoint. If you do something that you enjoy (and/or even love), then that is not nonsense in my opinion.

One man's nonsense is another man's treasure.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Hahaha. Let us eat some !PIZZA, and do nonsense together. 😂

See! It gets in your head and forces you to !ENGAGE 😁

There has already been too much ENGAGE today.






@xplosive, you've been given LUV from @sinistry.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (1/1)

Posted a number, got 36 cents (a bit more) In rewards.

rant about your disapproval of the mating habits of African bees.

This sounds like an interesting research topic and a challenge.

Lol... I'd rather he stay in his lane, I was just saying...

We are the trailblazers.

If you think about it, look at all the different "fields" you Hive account allows you access to. There are a ton of communities, a number of games, and a huge amount of tokens to get involved with.

All under one account.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Exactly! I'm not a scientist or mathematician, but I have a STEM community I can lurk in. Try that at your local university teacher's lounge and see how far it gets you! Not paid, I can almost guarantee.

That brings up a point: Hive* is a major source of knowledge and information.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I've actually been thinking about this, today. There's a University vibe here if you can find or create one for yourself, and I could, and might, write a series of posts about how much I've learned here, both on its own and compared to traditional avenues for higher education and I can say with full conviction that the few years I've spent here, especially the last 16 months or so, have better prepared me for the rest of my life than those did for my youth.

Very interesting. I think if you are right about even 10% of this we have some exciting stuff in store. To be fair 10% was a random number, I am sure 100% of this is probably the way we are heading. It makes me realize how important security is going to be moving forward for all of these new systems and integrations.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You hit upon a point that I try to keep driving home.

The potential here is a lot bigger than people potentially envision. To much paradigm paralysis out there.

It makes me realize how important security is going to be moving forward for all of these new systems and integrations.

Cybersecurity is only going to be a bigger field as technology moves ahead. A lot going on that we need to secure.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

If I were at the beginning of my career instead of the end, I would definitely be leaning towards the security side of things.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Without a doubt, would do things much different if I was going back.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes. We are dealing with programmable money

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

However, if we ask an executive at a technology company "what business are you in", the answer is "anyone we want".

"Anything" would be better instead of "anyone" in this current case. At least in my opinion.

The basic essence of the future is "pay me".

Then I make this comment futuristic. Pay me. 😂

I did 😂

And I give you some !PIZZA. The whole world indeed will be tokenized.

I can't deny a pizza 🍕. Thanks man!

Yes Sir.

"Anything" would be better instead of "anyone" in this current case. At least in my opinion.

Actually it should be any one.

I will correct it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

My thoughts on decentralization: the more centralization, the more successful it is. (By that, I mean more people gathered in one place.) Not how everything is ran in the back=end. Take Hive for example, now split it up into 100 parts all with it's own thing. I don't think it would be as successful.

As for the various tokens - I have no idea why people pay for them, but I'll gladly sell them at that price. Many tokens on Hive have limited utility.

Soon everything will be tokenize,the world is changing in a way that the technology company has started to tokenize their products.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Products, brand, engagement with customers.

It is all changing right before our eyes.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

What's incredible is how a lot of people are lacking in this knowledge department. I tried to explain CUB to a friend who works with Binance Exchange Nigeria and she seemed so lost with the entire concept of it. Defi is the future.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We are seeing many who are near this yet do not understand it.

This is why we are so early and how the financial benefits are there for us.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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