Hive: 5 Years To Completely Change Your Financial Life

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Give Hive 5 years and your financial life will be completely changed.

This is a bold statement yet one that is revealing itself to be true. For those who can dedicate themselves, it is an achievable goal. No matter where one is starting at, there is the opportunity to completely change one's entire financial situation.

We often discuss life changing money. This is something that is offered within the Hive ecosystem. Due to the fact of compounding, even over a period of time like that, we can see enormous results. The only thing required to get started is effort.

It might seem like something that is too good to be true yet we are seeing the magic on regular basis. Unfortunately, not enough are immersing themselves in what is already offered. On the brighter side of things, there is more being developed on a regular basis that will present even more opportunities to people.

For those who follow the evolution of Hive, it is easy to project where we are going. More is being added which will increase the potential for everyone involved. Eventually, the foundation that is being laid will be enhanced by the network effect. The only question is to what degree we see this happen.


Massive Expansion In A Few Years

Many newer people might not be aware that, only a few years ago, Hive offered two tokens: HIVE and HBD. That is it. All rewards came from this source and nothing else. There were no tribes or other ways to get involved. In fact, we didn't even have communities.

Since we were dealing with a single reward pool, obviously the daily distribution was a lot less. People either got upvotes in Hive or they did not. Of course, at the time, bidbots were all the rage.

Now, people are getting rewarded in dozens of tokens. This is allowing people to focus their Proof-of-Brain efforts in different areas. No longer is receiving HIVE the only way to get rewarded. This is a major step forward.

Of course, the gaming we have, led by Splinterlands, is also producing a great deal of wealth. Hundreds of millions of dollars is contained in all the game-related assets. These are in the hands of Hive users, most of whom are here for years.

When the game took off last Summer, there were many on Hive who had decks worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. There were quite a few who reached the 7 figure level.

How did those people do it? There was no single path to success. That said, many of them amassed a lot of their decks simply by playing the game. Completing the daily quests meant that their holdings grew. Over time, they were able to add more through scaling up of cards or buy purchase. Either way, when things took off, they were well positioned.

The key is there are a number of other opportunities forming. With cryptocurrency, simply being involved can open up some doors.


Compounding Our Way To Success

In the financial arena, compound interest is often a topic of discussion, and for good reason. This is a very powerful mechanism that can produce enormous results over time.

Hive is this on steroids.

Here is a quick example of what is taking place:

Simply holding HIVE, in either the liquid or staked form, is going to enable one to get a 1:1 claimdrop from the SpkNetwork. The tokens being dropped are miners which either can be sold for an immediate profit or staked to, eventually mine, the SPEAK token. It is easy to see how this is being given freely to the holders of Hive.

Obviously we have no idea what the value of that token will be. However, it could outpace Hive in terms of the holdings of a single individual over time depending upon how powerful one's miners are.

This is going to be followed up by the Ragnarok game. We do not have the details but we will see a drop there, also based upon the holdings of Hive. Once again, this process increases one's yield (return) by being involved in Hive.

We can see this throughout the ecosystem. People are being rewarded for leaving comments on people's posts. While this is not likely making anyone rich, how long does it take to make a comment? When one get a few cents for that effort, it is not a bad payout. Of course, due to the compounding nature of things, those few pennies can be immediately put to work. With price appreciation, it can turn into a dime or two.

Here is another key for Hive: often the path is a lot of small payouts. A couple decades back the big discussion centered around multiple streams of income. Hive can offer this on steroids as payouts can come in many forms. It starts slowly but can grow over time.

All that is required is consistent effort.


Long-Term Thinking

There is one way to sabotage one's success on Hive: leave.

Why do most people do that? The answer lies in the viewpoint taken. Too many want the instant success. They are looking at this as a get-rich quick scheme. Instead of concentrating upon building, people seem to want the financial payouts in their first few posts.

The reality is there are many on Hive who early little (or nothing) on their for 10 posts or so. After that, it was pennies. Yet, the breakthrough for them was they stuck with it. Over time, the pennies turned into dimes and, eventually, into a dollar or two. From there, it was just a matter of persistence and dedication.

At the end of this post there is an image that says "Vision 2025". The reason for this is as a reminder of what is takes. That is where the focus needs to be. It is not so much what an account looks like today but, rather, how will it be in a few years down the road?

Let us be honest, is a few years of dedicated effort to completely change your financial life worth it?

The opportunity is there before us. One of the biggest reasons, it seems, for people not changing their financial lives is because few make it an absolute goal. Sure, everyone wants to do it yet how many are really willing to dedicate to that end? Here is where the wishes stray from the results.

If you want to completely change your financial life, make it a priority. We are not talking decades here. It is a result that can come much quicker. However, this is not overnight either.

Anyone who commits to a few years of dedicated, consistent effort can change his or her financial life. Hive offers that opportunity to everyone.

The question is whether someone is willing to do what it takes to get there?

Let us know in the comment section what your experience is with Hive. Are you starting to see the results of your efforts?

If you found this article informative, please give an upvote and rehive.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I've been here almost 5 years and I've been, I think, pretty consistent, meaning I post, on average, once every day and a half. The first few years I wasn't aware of accumulation except in the idea of HP and not of gain that can be turned into cash, so I didn't consciously participate in the crypto phenomenon. I was interested and glad that I could write and meet people. It's only in the last year that I've understood what's going on with crypto, mostly by reading posts in Leo Finance.
My accumulations in five years are far above my expectations and far below what many of my colleagues have achieved! I have been thinking about what I did wrong in these years and I understand that this is because there were times when I didn't trust (Steem and Hive) and then I made mistakes. Those who didn't make my mistakes now have wallets 4-5 times fatter. All my admiration for them!

That is often the case. Knowledge is power and seeing what was being offered was key. Many missed it to their own detriment.

The bottom line is you see it now so the path should be clear to you. Put the compounding (crypto aspect) to use while also continuing your consistent activity.

It is not brain surgery here. This is a simple concept but does take effort.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you! Yes, I know it involves effort and time but if the result is what you say it is, then it's worth it.

This is astonishing, you've basically talked about how HIVE became bigger other than the HIVE:HBD that was overly focused on. This has brought about compounding. The way people splinterlands boomed and changed the narrative is still textbook. Compounding for five years, would be imaginable as there are many applications that will take up.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Splinterlands did change the narrative. It created a bunch of millionaires not in the HIVE token. That was a first.

We are going to see that play out as the network effect takes over on Hive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is completely true who knows, the next big application on Hive might just create the next millionaires, I guess it's just the beginning.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I have a feeling that #ProjectBlank is going to set Hive on fire. It is truly a game changing application.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

hmmm... spknetwork...need to read about that.

What you say makes a lot of sense... you know right how we actually are tuned to create wealth the straight forward way.

Invest , SIP in Mutual funds for a period of 5 to 15 years based on your goals... put in the bank and earn interest... and for more adventurous invest in stocks and sell and make profits consistently...20% one day and another percent another day.

All with our fixed salary and it was hard work...because well have to account for expenditure, savings, rent, loan and things are when kids are there there is expenses you need to think about for education, and some of the time, saving in the fund to earn returns later for that abundance money to travel somewhere for a fabulous holiday...

Still prevalent...only problem every thing is changing and to tell the truth I missed out on that train even though I was aware of all this because traditional finance was not my cup of tea and I was not prepared or matured to all that...takes efforts, risk etc and looked complex.

But HIve, you earn crypto, you stake , you get interest on stake in decentralised stable coin...its much easier... and you have the compunding effect without all that needing to invest in mutual funds...research, etc...

and this compounding effect is way way more than what you got in traditional finance.

Ofcourse, its hard work getting to earn enough HIVE for self sustainance, but its possible. Ofcourse, writting is not everyone's cup of tea, but there is other ways, photography, videos, so many fun stuff and always every engaging for crypto enthusiasts because there is lots to learn and share about crypto, blockhain and such things.

There is a lot more in Hive, has lot of tenticles which will be helpful. for me, I am preparing to not deal with Indian CEX from next month so I am thinking if that Dex in Hive helps, in conerting hive to BTC form and then sending it to peer to peer deentralised platforms to liquidate it... and I know such a Hive swap coin exists where you get a BTC peged coin... it will come in handy to decouple from Government influence...

anyway... it takes interest, ambition that will power effort, you would make mistakes on the way and feel meserable but in the end you will get a good hang of doing things decentralised way.

So, Hive might be important in ways to find ways like what I explained...;ots more in HIve to engage and learn to be empowered for that covered financial freedom without those disturbances of authoritative influences of Govt. etc.


and this compounding effect is way way more than what you got in traditional finance.

Without a doubt. The fact that we are seeing huge growth means that we are going to see outsized returns for a long time. Of course, the fact less Hive is produced each block, the emission rate is dropping over time, means we are going to really have an interesting situation when the network effect kicks off.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Not crazy and way out there as I am 4 years in with no financial investment and if we had tribes back then would be way bigger. Maybe 3 years from now I see myself having changed my financial future which is mind blowing. Staying active and consistent has to be part of the deal if anyone wants to make this happen. Definitely a worthwhile sacrifice whilst it is still possible as when the numbers grow this time frame would change considerably.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The power of compounding means that where you are now will only accelerate if you keep up the activity. This will be reflected in your wallet.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is what I am banking on as time is our friend with compounding and activity.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

For me, the key to Hive and all the communities that surround it is to show up every day." Above all, make an investment in yourself, by building your base and following... and learn whatever you can, along the way.

Certainly, there way be ways to "automate" your efforts, but I'm just not much into that...

Which brings me to one of the important (and possibly "inadvertent?") aspects of Hive: Long Term Thinking, as you suggested. The benefit being that people who drop in here get to learn about the counterpoint to that unfortunate trend in the Cryptosphere to think of everything in the context of "doubling your money in 24 hours" and chasing 5,000% yields around. And that's ultimately also a lesson in sustainability.

I would really like for there to BE a "here" in 5 years from now...


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Sustainability is a word that is starting to be tossed around. What is really sustainable in the crypto world?

That is what we are really talking about.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The only thing that matters most is that, consistent and determined. Whenever we are doing let be focused, it just a matter of time.Hive blockchain teach me how to endure thing.

Without a doubt. Consistency and determined action lead to results.

It is true for Hive as well as life.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I like Hive, I got into steam when Jon and Blain started with it in 2017. Then I really didn't care for it much. I am getting where I like it a bit more. I don't tend to make comments if I don't understand what they are talking about. There are a lot of wonderful topics to look into, something for everyone. I find that people here are very good at helping if you have a problem.

The fact there are so many different content creators, this means that there is something for everyone.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I just checked my post history and saw that my Leo power was about 700 just two months ago, it has doubled since then...

Once you gain momentum Hive's compounding power kicks in and there is no going back. 4 years and 4 months to go lol

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

A prime example.

Double the Leo Power and then double it again. It just keeps going.

Isnt that the concept of compounding?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Isnt that the concept of compounding?

Indeed and Hive helps you see the results in real-time as well.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am so happy I am back, and dedicated. Cannot wait to see me in 5 years. Well maybe except for the old man looking back in the mirror.

Hive is the place to be. Period.



@taskmaster4450! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (7/30)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

@achim03 Did a good job of sharing his thoughts on why the scarcity of HIVE will drive the price up in a few years. Of course this is speculation, but it's got fundamentals. Keep BUIDLing

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I've been learning a lot from the HIVE community.
Your posts is one of such source of wonderful information.

I went to school to learn and paid for it.
When we have an assessment or examinations we are given grades based on a set of standards.

Here at Hive it's actually the opposite.
I'm learning a lot of things for free.
And whenever I create a content that shows what I learned or what I know, I'm getting paid with Hive coins and tokens by the community.

It's just less than a month and I am already rewarded with more than 100 HIVE coins.
100 percent staked!

I was also able to build a $60 worth of assets in Liquidity Pools.
Assets in the form of Hive coins and tokens that was rewarded to me.
It's not that much but it was given for me "free".
What more could I ask for?

I got into Hive because of #Splinterlands for the promise of #play2earn. But stayed for fun and learning when I discovered Hives' wonderful community. 🙂

I'm learning a lot of things for free.

Actually you get paid to learn. We have the ability, especially on Leofinance, to read about finance and cryptocurrency yet also get rewarded for participating.

Congratulations on your progress so far. You are finding early success that could inspire you to more action. Keep on trudging along.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you.
I'm still new to Hive and being paid to learn is such a surreal experience.

I for one is a stern believer of this life changing rewards earning platform. Words can’t do enough justice to how this system thrills and tickles my fancy . As you said all it takes to get activated in this scheme is efforts input and the rest as they say will be history.

We are going to see this keep expanding. That is what is so powerful.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

If we look back a few months from now and try realise the value hive can add in the coming days, it's evident that we will be there even before 2025.

And the gaming economy, they are not just booming but bursting in profitability. Like you said, dollars worth millions are out there, multiplying with every opportunity.

Thanks for such a motivational and visionary write up. Much appreciated 👍

We are seeing the power of Hive starting to emerge. There are so many tentacles that are expanding out. Those who are within the ecosystem have a ton of choices.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Consistency is the key of success It suits to hive perfectly. I'm also planning to dedicate my some time o build my hive account. Let see how it works for me and I really like the concept of vision 2025

Find your niche is my suggestion. Hive is the overriding scale but a lot of success can be found in the communities.

That will help one to stand out even more.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Consistency is definitely a great way to earn on the blockchain, through consistency, there is a drawn out way to achieve more.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Expecting positive changes in financial life. Your blog is providing positive vibes.

Give Hive 5 years and your financial life will be completely changed.

Five years from now or five years from when it launched :)

Just kidding. Really good stuff here. It is amazing to think that back in the day all of these communities didn't exist at all. I remember those times well. Given where Splinterlands is now, I kind of wish I had taken some profits when the prices were high versus pumping it all back into the game, but I know it will eventually pay off for me and it wasn't money I absolutely needed.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

A lot of changes in a relatively short period of time. We are going to have a lot of more opportunities going forward. This is going to enrich everyone who is involved.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, starting with the airdrops and the next hard fork it sounds like.

Thank you for sharing this post, it gives me a lot of information that I require in this new financial and life project that hive represents for me, 1 month and a half almost in this platform I have been able to see the evolution personally and in the ecosystem, something that keep me focused and committed, I know that every important project takes time and we can talk up to decades however, in the long term taking reference 2025 I consider that understanding the project, being educated about it, being constant in the work and applying strategic thinking the results will be satisfactory, it happens that many people abandon anything because they only have an opportunistic thinking, you have to educate people must know this and commit to their own evolution, to me Hive has already given me expansion ! Interesting post!

Welcome to Hive and your journey into Web 3.0.

Keep the activity going and you will see the results growing even more. The fact you are commenting is a great starting point. Engagement is key for the long term success on here.

You will find there are people who upvote them to so you can help your wallet doing that.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for the support and for the suggestions, I understand the importance of effort, dedication, discipline in everything we do, because they are habits that lead to success, I highly value the comments of people like you with experience and results, my intention is keep interacting, commenting and also uploading content on the platform because I am sure that the efforts will be worth it.

Consistency and engagement are main points I would say, then, compounding is the magic word

The consistency and engagement if the path to the resources to compound for many.

It is really a powerful system when you think about it. I just wish more would understand this from the start.

Alas, those that do are able to stand out.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Precisely! I also believe in long term commitment, especially when it comes to building a better financial alternative. I think that too many are tempted to give up early, when the rewards seem too little. To push on until you see results is the key

Exactly, I am really tired to see people entering in the HIVE ecosystem and quitting before understanding how everything works not only on HIVE but in any Blockchain project with high social interaction

Patience is such a great quality to possess. Quitters never win and winners never quit. This applies in real life and in any endeavour

They think it a get rich quick scheme where they deserve thousands on their first post.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Ohh it is quite unrealistic but I guess that many actually feel like this and this is why they give up when reality doesn't deliver according to their fantasy.

That is the only reason I can give for people leaving. I saw so many over the years who complained about the rewards only to disappear.

With all the different tokens these days, people get rewarded in a lot more ways than a few years ago.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well you can never force someone to believe more in a platform than they believe in themselves. I think that success in life,on Hive, on a job etc depends on the latter. So maybe , and this is just a hunch, the behavior on Hive (persevering vs giving up) only reflects the real attitude of the individual. I find it hard to believe that someone who is resilient in real life will have a slacker attitude on a virtual platform where rewards are involved.

I think John often says on the crypto maniacs podcast, "just show up everyday". I think that is the key towards anything not just the Hive blockchain. Showing up here everyday, making comments, content of some form, playing hive blockchain games, curating the content. All adds up and increases the compounding effect of earning HP and HBD with each input. I think not just 5 years even 5 months of dedicated usage would give some noticeable results.

Certainly that is the key for anything in life. It is amazing how people think Hive is any different.

I think not just 5 years even 5 months of dedicated usage would give some noticeable results.

I agree with this completely. Those who jump right in and make it known what they are doing will forge ahead. Put in the effort and engage, good things happen.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Consistency is a good thing and I am hoping to see where I am in 3 and a half years or so. I think it will be around 5 years by then and hopefully, it's life-changing money. Then again, I wonder if I should be counting in Defi or not as well.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You are off to a great start. I am sure your bags are filling up each week. That is key.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Basically as you've said HIVE is not a one night thing but a process.
He that builds start from foundation to the finish line
That is hive.
I am beginning to see reward of my effort gradually , and it all depends how I deep into it for a bigger success.

Although it not easy but it worth the Consistency and dedication.

Over time it will grow. Plus you have the advantage of taking your rewards and compounding them.

That is how a wallet can grow whether it is in Hive or H-E tokens.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah exactly...

Give Hive 5 years and your financial life will be completely changed

This is absolutely true and definitely will have something to show for after spending such commitment and hardwork In the blockchain without relenting and giving up. The rewards and action towards that will definitely pay someday though it won't be easy but will be worth it. Hive have really created so many opportunities that one can engage on especially communities that suite ones skills and commitment to partake on which is amazing and also keep one consistency to be an active user in contributing to the platform and the community, am really excited about it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Many are starting to see the potential here. It is really a powerful system and at the core, in my view, of Web 3.

This is where people who concentrate their efforts can really find things changing for them.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's the plan I feel like I already have at least one year under my belt though. Looking to make this year that big turning point which I have to say I'm super stoked about!

Lots about to take shape this year that I'm curious how it plays out. From the play2earn space to video and DeFi you gotta love the defi!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You bring up a good point. The industry is also much different than it was a few years ago. We have a lot more options in general with DeFi, NFTs, and DAOs.

The opportunities just keep expanding.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm always amazed of the compounding effects of Hive that you allude to.

I remember getting the PAL airdrop. I forget why I ever got it. Was it based on activity in the discord or something? Then based on my PAL, I got the LEO airdrop, then from my LEO the CUB airdrop, then from my CUB the PolyCUB airdrop. Now I did add into each of those at every step, but even if I hadn't added a penny, that is a lot of free money just building up upon itself.

And of course all the other airdrops we've seen and will see, a few of which you mention. Even if we do nothing else, the potential for compounding what we have on this blockchain is amazing!

Unfortunately I didn't invest enough into Hive 5 years ago (I didn't have any to invest at that time, but no excuses) to see the life-changing gains that some of the people with more foresight have seen, but I am still pretty happy with things as they are. There is so much great about this blockchain, and so much potential for it to get even better!


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You must be killin' it out here!
@dbooster just slapped you with 5.000 PIMP, @taskmaster4450.
You earned 5.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
You can still slap 2/2 more people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

Unfortunately I didn't invest enough into Hive 5 years ago (I didn't have any to invest at that time,

Here is where Hive stands out: people can come and invest time and effort to compensate for monetary lack.

This is where the activity enters. Those who grasp this and get busy can see massive results in a few years.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Indeed, one's financial situation could be totally changed in five years, if they regularly write and be active on HIVE.

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 97 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

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Because this is such an awesome post, here is a BBH Tip for you. . Keep up the fantastic work

Many newer people might not be aware that, only a few years ago, Hive offered two tokens: HIVE and HBD. That is it. All rewards came from this source and nothing else.

Now, people are getting rewarded in dozens of tokens.

Thanks for this piece of information. This is a good way to provide perspective. Even I have been on Hive for more or less 7 months now, I didn't realize the potential of other layer two tokens, not until the first week of February this year.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, I am seeing the results on daily basis. Though not so big, they are growing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Geeze, my hive life has changed so much in the first 4.5yrs. No doubt it will be exciting to see where we are at 5 years from now. Go all things Hive!!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I totally believe in this, I was in another blockchain and I have to admit that my financial life changed, (I'm grateful but sadly it wasn't a healthy environment for content creation), and I've been exploring Hive and reading about this project, and I agree with you. I'm new, but I can see the enormous potential that this platform has.

The first two years are a bit of a learning curve and finding your niche.

Year three you feel comfortable and have a solid group of connections.

Then year four you have the knowledge and confidence to grow fully on the site and build your position.

Year five is success and a fat stack to move among the different projects and chains. Money makes money but it takes time to built that initial stack. Once you reach the tipping point it starts to really build up fast after that.

That is just my view on the situation but i love it. I'm four and a half years in and have left my regular job this year and can comfortable keep working in crypto for the near future. All build from my hive account and the knowledge that i have found here. I know a lot of others here who have done the same over the past few years.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Absolutely love this kind of content. This is what I am after, but more than just life-changing money for myself, I am onboarding more people to Hive. There is a change to bring life-changing income into my physical community as well as the digital one.

This could transform the landscape of the quality of living in our neighborhoods.

I have started to really knuckle down and do good work in the communities where I like what I do and the rewards have been just great!

Thanks again! I will be sure to return for more!


 2 years ago  Reveal Comment

We all have life issues that crop up. The fact that you could fall back on Hive in a time of need is very telling.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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