Hive Showing The Age Of Abundance

in LeoFinance3 years ago

There is so much taking place in the world of cryptocurrency right now. We are at a point in time that it is near impossible to keep up with everything.

To start, we have the Shiba Inu run that is making some people very wealthy. This alone is showing how many are entering the Age of Abundance.

We also have some news from a couple United States mayors. The crypto-friendly Mayor of Miami, Francis Suarez, has decide to take his next paycheck in Bitcoin. He is intent on making the City a cryptocurrency hub.

Not to be outdone, is the Mayor-elect of New York City, Eric Adams. City residents went to the polls yesterday and they will soon have a Mayor who also wants to make it a crypto hub. There seems to be a pattern emerging.


Age Of Abundance

This is a concept which we covered for a number of years. It was evident back then where all this was going. Fast forward today and we see it emerging at a lightening pace.

We are entering a completely new economic era due to blockchain and cryptocurrency. The old rules no longer apply, even though the powers-that-are will try to implement them.

Basically, we are seeing the economic model flipped from one of scarcity to abundance. It is creating a paradigm shift that most still have not latched onto. We see the masses are either unaware or they suffer from paradigm paralysis. Whatever the cause, abundance is unfolding before our eyes.

In a world that is digital, we are dealing with a near infinite arena. Instead of being limited by laws relating to atoms, we now gauge things based upon bandwidth and computational power. That is part of the new metric.

At the same time, we see value derived from network effects. Eyeballs have value and when activity is taking place, it pushes things up to tremendous levels. It appears this is a concept that is still difficult for most to grasp.

Either way, abundance is available for anyone who wants to embrace it.

Hive Getting Involved

For those who are on Hive for a while, we are seeing how this is appearing right before our eyes.

This year, 2021, was very good to those who are involved in @splinterlands. Not only did the individual holdings, prices in USD, skyrocket, but the game keeps expanding and growing. As these words are written, there is an airdrop giving each participant SPS tokens based upon their Splinterlands holdings. This will continue into next year.

There is also a drop of vouchers which are required to purchase the next packs that are being released. Here again, we see the opportunity for enormous gains to be made.

Splinterlands is not the only one providing this. Most are aware of the snapshot that is taking place on January 6th. This is by the SpkNetwork which is issuing out LARNYX tokens on a 1:1 basis for each HIVE.

Just this week, it was announced that those who are involved in Cubfinance, which is a project under the Leofinance umbrella, will be getting an airdrop based upon the CUB tokens one are holding. This is to distribute the PolyCub token which will extend that project to another blockchain.

Speaking of Leofinance, there was another piece of news in the last week that is aligning with this overall concept. The Leofinance mobile application was approved on Android (still awaiting Apple). In addition to giving mobile users a completely new experience, this is the application that is being forked to create ProjectBlank.

This long discussed project is now moving closer to hitting market. We have no date as of yet. However, with that application comes a new token. As you can guess, there will be an airdrop to the holders of the LEO token.

All of this epitomizes how people are getting extra rewards simply by being active and involved. Whatever the pathway, whether it is staking tokens, playing a game, or getting rewarded for Proof-of-Brain activities, the opportunity to fill one's bags is expanding.

It really is as simple as show up, get involved, and build over time. For those doing that, life changing money is starting to appear for some.

Metaverse In The Making

There is a lot of discussion about the Metaverse and the companies looking to get involved with that. While we can take exception to what the term is becoming, we cannot deny the shift to the virtual realm is underway. In short, the Internet is going 3-D.

This will radically alter a lot of what we do. It truly is the epitome of moving from atoms-to-bits. For this reason, we are going to require a completely new monetary system along with a new way of distributing ownership. Blockchain and cryptocurrency provide that.

What is overlooked in much of this is the fact that we are already building the foundation for that transition. Whereas Facebook, Microsoft, and Apple garner the headlines, for a number of years, blockchain developers were hard at work already paving the way. In short, we are all part of the creation of the next generation Internet. What the centralized entities are planning is now what we will have going forward.

The union between and digital and physical world is underway. Imagine the time where you can "win" a Coca-Cola in a game and then swap that NFT for a real one. That is an example of the world we are going to be involved with.

Do not be shackled by your mind. There is a brand new frontier opening up that is going to generate hundreds of trillions of dollars in wealth. The key is that blockchain truly does democratize it in a manner that is inclusive rather than exclusive.

We know this is not sitting well with the present establishment since an abundant economy hacks away at their control. Nevertheless, to each person who participates, we are forming a new system which is based upon abundance. This repeatedly keeps driving another stake through the heart of the scarcity model.

For those on Hive, the Age of Abundance is starting to appear in a big way.

Other articles about the Metaverse:

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Imagine the time where you can "win" a Coca-Cola in a game and then swap that NFT for a real one.

Now that would be an interesting concept and it would be something that works in real life. At least this way we would know that certain NFTs are redeemable and remove some of the scammers.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This year, 2021, was very good to those who are involved in @splinterlands.

Indeed. Currently my complete Splinterlands card collection is worth more than my Hive account. My Splinterlands card collection is currently worth $887.34 USD, while the estimated value of my Hive account is currently $689.50 USD. I think that this tells a lot about the huge success of Splinterlands.



What a great time to be alive

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is a moment that there are great opportunities to be gathered within the world of blockchain. I don't know when it will be possible to take advantage of these opportunities, but I believe that in 2/3 years all these opportunities will be reduced

Early adopters always get the biggest rewards for their risk. Even so, I believe there is still plenty of development and opportunity in the future.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

In that short time I don't think the reduction in opportunity will outweigh the growth.

Blockchain should be beginning peak growth in that time frame, so, even though a lot of current opportunities will have passed, the number of new opportunities appearing daily, maybe even hourly at that point, will still provide an arena where a lot of people can do well, I think.

That's just a spontaneous thought from the top of my head, though, and I’m glad it happened. It makes me feel like I might be learning something here… but I’m often more optimistic and confident than reality can legitimately support. 😁

Thanks for the comment, it's interesting. What you say is true, you must also think that new opportunities could arise

Most definitely, at an increasing rate.

As much as I appreciate what Splinterlands is doing for the personal finances of plenty Hivers around the world, I still believe it is lacking the fun factor. We will probably have a blockchain based game in the future that will mark that one to. Nevertheless, the number of tokens one can collect on Hive by simply doing Hive things is amazing. As far as I can remember the most you could earn on Steem, back in 2018, was STEEM. Now we have so many community tokens and it's great.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It really is as simple as show up, get involved, and build over time. For those doing that, life changing money is starting to appear for some.

And yet so few people bother. It really is mind boggling to tell someone they can earn income by doing everything they’re already doing somewhere other than where they’re doing it and they act like you’re trying to sell them ocean front property in Nebraska.

There are less and less people thinking they need to work for things and that things should be returned to them fast. I guess it's what lead to the "get rich quick" schemes and why a ton of people lose money.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think you're exactly right, but in this case one doesn't even really have to work to enjoy some degree of prosperity. Simply, periodically, dropping $5 or $10 in random tokens is likely less than those same people spend on lotto tickets, and in some cases it's the same concept except every ticket is a winner, if not instantly, definitely down the road.

Case in point... anyone could have bought alpha/beta/orbs/dice/Untamed packs in hopes of getting a winning GFL, for less than most lotto tickets. Consider the yield on that, and multiply it by infinity, since this is still hardly even the beginning. Those opportunities are sprouting up like weeds all over the place and many of them bear fruit seemingly over night these days.

Hell, I got some alpha packs for dCrops a week or two after the Pre-sale ended, and within a month or so they were sold out and going for triple what I paid for them. I don't know where they are now, but it it isn't $50+ per pack yet I'm not interested. 😁

Edit to offer a proper rant…

I’m also encountering animosity from people who seem to be content to take the position that I’m bragging about my success, whereas I feel like I’m really trying to show them how easy it is to make just a few smart moves and then just sit back and get paid.

It one be one thing if it were strangers off the street but these are people I’ve known for years, who have (metaphorically speaking) bled with me in some cases.

Even the ones that take a sincere interest kind of act like I’ve stumble across some secret they’ll never unlock, even though it’s easy to connect the dots.

I wouldn't worry about the animosity after all, its the results of your hard work. They just need to put in the effort and if you are doing a good job, others will naturally see it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Lol. I doubt they will. I think most people are more content to have an excuse than a goal or ambition.

Someone in my neighbourhood became millionaire this year. He bought about $5000 worth of Shiba last year.

I think there is still time for HIVE to produce abundance. The more blogger, the more contents and the more HIVE to reward...

Today, I played one simple game that HIVE made in partnership with changelly for haloween catching hive with a pumpkin container...ofcourse not earned HIVE for it, because only high scorers get rewarded with HIVE I think...still cool.

Yes, I see how price of HIVE is shooting and so more voting power, and some community tokens are geting value. So there is more to HIVE than just earning HIVE for writting, which I did not see until recently.

That Leofinance news is interesting, which I thank you for providing. FOr someone who just brought CUB tokens when it was high...not much in terms of returns come but still I am always sure that lot of good developemnt has happened with CUB finance and its potential, although need to wait for good results and returns.

Even then its good that every HIVE user, suthor who has been around for a while like me will experience abundance ... also good effects due to network effects of Leofinance and other projects that have built ecosystems here...

Nice to be there in a crypto bull run cycle that's propolled by adoption, coz was not there around last time 2017...!! so feel very priledged to be in this space at this time(:

Hive has already changed my life not exactly monitarily but in growing me as a author, writer and giving me a space to grow as one.

Practically, it it's a good time to be on hive due to these new opportunities that are created on a daily basis. I think the SPK network is set to take next year on hive by storm just like splinterlands did this year. It's countless, I mean the opportunity to be at least involved in a mind-blowing project on hive is always guaranteed.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

A great thing about HIVE is that more and more opportunities are created at every moment so there is no really need to be everywhere at all times. In fact, that's becoming impossible, which is not a problem because as soon as a couple of these projects really take off, they will start taking everything else with them along for the ride.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you for this update on the state of crypto .I didn't know about the CUB airdrop. I keep reading about CUB here and I think it's about time I give it a try, especially since providing DEC CUB liquidity is supposed to give you double the SPS airdrop points!

I am really excited about some of these airdrops that are in the works. I like the way they are approaching them too. I think enough people have seen the past folly of just dumping a bunch of tokens in one fell swoop. The time and care they are putting into this will help the tokens sustain their value over time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

These meme coins are the most stupidest things ever invented..and I love them. This $ symbol is scarce for most people so owning a few billion of something really changes perspective.

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The news keep rolling and I trust that in 5 years time, those who were involved in hive will be grateful they did.

I am already thinking if how to kick start my journey on splinter lands cos that seems to be the new gold mine for hive.

The fun thing is that it's also a fun game to partake in.

I played it at work and it was just relieving.

It would seem the abundance is only limited by our collective human attention spans working on various blockchain projects. As more and more people dedicate their attention to the crypto space, its value grows proportionally.

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 79 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!






@taskmaster4450, you've been given LUV from @pixresteemer.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (4/5)

~~~ embed:1456752408256679941 twitter metadata:TGVvQWxwaGEyMDIxfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL0xlb0FscGhhMjAyMS9zdGF0dXMvMTQ1Njc1MjQwODI1NjY3OTk0MXw= ~~~
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Waoo es un mundo para muchos desconocido, pero fascinante...esperemos meternos en la era de la abundancia.

I won't lie if I say this post resumes some of the reasons that make me want to live to the fullest. The future seems quite good and satisfying.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Opportunities are always there, you just need to have the vision and the courage to take them...

We are magnets of abundance.

We are entering a completely new economic era due to blockchain and cryptocurrency. The old rules no longer apply, even though the powers-that-are will try to implement them.

Thanks to Hive I can boldly tell anyone to join, do the right thing by creating quality contents and engaging they will make money. Because here your hard work actually pays off

I saw a commercial for Burger King tonight and they're running some kind of promo where if you make a purchase of at least $5 they will give you crypto... Crypto adoption sure is getting interesting!