The Forward March Of Hive

in LeoFinance2 years ago

We have to give credit to the Hive community. For the most part, it just keeps forging ahead no matter what is taking place in the markets. This is something that, in the long run, will make a difference.

Many are apt to be swayed by the markets. When prices are up, they are 'all in" with cryptocurrency. However, when the markets reverse course, those same people are like crickets in the wind.

It is often expressed how the down times are best suited for building. This goes counter to what many want to do since the tendency is to exit during these periods. Many on Hive take the opposite approach.

We recently got a flurry of news coming out regarding a multitude of projects. This shows the teams behind them are still hard at work, ignoring the market conditions.

Here is just a sampling of what we saw announced in the last couple days.


Peakmonsters Airdrop

Life just got better for some Splinterlands players. Those who used Peakmonsters are in line to share in a recently announced airdrop. The PKM token is going to be released.

This is a windfall for those individuals who conducted their Splinterlands business through Peakmonsters. The airdrop is based upon the volume of business one conducted through their platform over the past year.

Without going into all the details, the idea is to start having some utility for the token.

Here are a couple ideas they tossed out:

  • Peakmonsters specific tournaments
  • Create a loyalty program
  • Share Peakmonsters profits

They are also setting up a liquidity pool for PKM:SPS.

There will certainly be some happy Splinterlands players over this announcement.


Ragnarok Marketing

This is a game many are already excited about. It is a long-term initiative that is going to take more than a year to roll out fully. This is by design since the idea is to build something very powerful while also separating itself from what else is out there.

In other words, we are not going to see another "farming" game.

Ragnarok is highly complex, incorporating chess, fantasy and poker. This combination should attract some interesting players. Part of the allure is to create a "spectator game" where people actually watch the proceedings. This again harkens back to some of the transition poker made over the last few decades.

The latest announcement mentions how they created a marketing team and are now going to be powering down their stake, converting it to HBD, and starting to pay for marketing.

Many discuss the idea of marketing and here we see another game that is taking the initiative to market itself. All of this tends to feed back into Hive over time.


SpkNetwork Claim Drop

This is news most on Hive were awaiting. It is now official.

After some delays due to a variety of issues, the SpkNetwork Claim Drop starts on March 20th.

The snapshot of the blockchain was taken back on January 6th. This means anyone who had Hive or Hive Power in their wallet (delegated HP is still credited to the owner) is going to receive LARYNX tokens. This is a 1:1 drop so each Hive & HP on that date will be duplicated with these tokens.

From what we were told, this will be a year long Claim Drop so we can simply expect 1/12th to be available each month.

The drop is of the mining token. LARNYX are staked to generate SPEAK tokens. The miners are designed to diminish in power each year so that people who are serious about the continued creation of SPEAK tokens will purchase updated versions. Here we see the idea of keeping one's "mining power" up.

This is another mammoth project that is taking place. For this reason, it is long process. This does not bode well in the instant gratification world we live in. However, now those on Hive can relish in the fact the drop is starting to take place.


ListNerds Gamification

ListNerds is touted as the first blockchain-based mailer. This team is starting to change email and affiliate marketing with its idea of tying the incentive of a tokenized system with emails.

Over the past couple months, this project is growing with new users signing up daily. The progress is slow but steady. Each week, more emails are being sent out and tokens earned.

Now the team gamified the process. It is one thing to get the emails, another to get them opened. For this reason, those who click on the email has the opportunity to "win a bonus".

Randomly, certain emails will be "elite". Anyone who clicks on it will get a notification showing how that has extra value. This leads to an additional reward of liquid CTP being dropped to the one opening the email.

This is a recent project that was added to the Hive ecosystem. Instead of spending a long time building, the approach here was to get something out in basic form and keep adding to it. It is exactly what we are seeing.

Overall Direction

Are any of these developments Earth-shattering? Most likely not although there could be some people who see their financial situations affected by the Peakmonsters and SpkNetwork's drops.

The key here is to keep monitoring the forward direction of things. Development means progress, even when it is slow in coming. We all want the overnight moonshots yet that usually is not sustained.

Instead, here are a handful of projects that are truly building. They are not taking shortcuts. The intent is to build something sustainable. It is where the long-term focus of these projects teams enters the picture.

Ultimately, long term success with a blockchains depends upon what is built upon it. The ecosystem that surrounds it is as important as the technology behind it. Users will not care, in the end, where their data is being posted. To them, it will come down to the use case and appeal of the games or applications.

Here are a few that are working at pushing things forward. Consistently we see this happening which is going to yield bigger dividends down the road.

In the meantime, all of us have a role to play and keep building things here. When dealing with a co-operative, we all need the "ownership" mentality. This is what will help to ascend things in the end.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


It's quite amazing to see all the things announced this week. I wasn't expecting all of that to come out at the same time and I feel bad that I haven't used Peakmonsters in a long time. I'll probably pass on that as it's a little speculative and I think I will just wait.

As for listnerds, I think that is an amazing change. I hope it encourages more people to open up the links on ListNerds.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Brick by brick, this place just keeps laying down the infrastructure and building out it's tentacles. With all you mentioned there are still another half a dozen projects making progress you didn't. Particularly HAF and PodPing. Both of those continue to develop and could have a profound impact on HIVE going forward as well.

Lots to look forward to and many reasons to just keep stacking. Especially while the price is back below a dollar. There will come a day when it will be much more difficult to build a big position. It's already much harder than it was 6 months ago...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Airdrop after airdrop. Hive is heading to the moon and the flight has just started 🚀🚀 Each of these new apps is providing immense value to long-term hodlers and new ways to generate passive compounding income!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It does appear activity is rewarded. Using different applications sure does appear to have its rewards.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

the PKM Token come out of left field for me. I've always used that site but never really traded on that. That's now changed lol

SPK Better that then never but what does worry me is only 11 people were able to boot up nodes for the claim drop. I'm deeply hoping the setup instructions for other nodes moving forward such as encoding etc are far easier so more people can get in on it. Good to see that project moving though.

Curious move on Ragnarok as cutting into those funds already is going to start to diminish the large $ pools they wanted to have to attract players and hype we will see.

List nerds always fun to send some traffic and also connect with others here on hive I wouldn't have found otherwise. That might be one of the most powerful things about it.

Hive is growing 💪 LEO is growing 🚀

A lot is taking place so we are going to be interested how it all unfolds.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Complete package of recent publications and trending topics on hive. Airdrops, ragnarok marketing and so on. I found most popular and trending topic is polycub.

All good stuff. We are going to see a lot more things happening.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Wish to see 2022 as the best year (till now) for crypto currency. Thanks for sharing these 💖

Fantastic outcomes for Hive with lots of building going on. Can't wait too see what this year brings!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

A lot is in the works. It is great to see how much things will change. The beginning of next year might see an entirely new ecosystem.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The chain is so busy.. I must say.

I am mostly interested in list nerds for now.

I look forward spk network as we have been waiting for ages for it to manifest.

I have not usedpeakmonster for any transaction so this is a difficult one for me.

Ragnarok already looks interesting.

Thinking of going into full time gaming (crypto)

I am not much of a Splinterlands person. But for those who were involved, it could be a nice payday if they used Peakmonsters.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I hope they d something for monster market dcity users

Really good point about how people just keep showing up and doing their thing no matter what the markets are doing. It has become habitual at this point!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Activity has it benefits.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

There is too much going on in Hive, and the ones you have listed are the most notable ones, I am waiting for PKM token and Ragnarok to roll out and as for Listnerds I am still trying to get myself to know everything about it after making an account. I am also excited to finally claim my larynx token!


There is a lot to learn. We are all learning as we go along.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You've totally brought awareness to some of the most exciting projects that are going to come to full inception within the year. Indeed, when prices are low it brings mixed feelings, but for us, we know this wouldn't last forever, if these things don't happen how do people build back what they've sold when the market booming?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We keep building regardless of what the market is doing.

That is where the eventual payout comes from.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Keep building regardless, thanks a million. Relentlessly, I want to see how much more I can build in 4 years time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Ragnarok is highly complex, incorporating chess, fantasy and poker.

I'm so looking forward to Ragnarok. Splinterland is a little beyond me and I'm attempting Rising Star but I'll be fully into Ragnarok. Nice post

Some good updates. I wonder when the SPK network is about to launch. I was kind of confused with the last snapshot date. I thought it was airdrop day in January. Do you know the final launch date for the SPK?

I dont know if it is about to launch. I would say it is maybe near the end of Q2 or Q3.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Blockchains and the dAPPS are constantly pumping out news on what they're doing and how people can participate and gain value for their participation. The hardest part is trying to keep up with the constant stream of news, information, and updates.

Just when I think I have finally caught up, a new barrage of information comes out with ways to benefit. There is always something new to look up and usually never a dull moment on the Blockchain. Thank you for centralizing some of the information and making it easier to find. Exciting news for the future!

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Amazing stuff everywhere on Hive, this place will be buzziiiiing in few years, so much that even you will find it hard to keep up.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I use Peakmonsters mostly since I just can't stop buy cards, so count me in on those Airdrops!

Exciting times!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hive’s resilience in the face of different levels of volatility the market brings is something that needs to be studied and at the same time commended .

Thanks for the regular updates and look forward to seeing how the LARNYX tokens do. Wish everyone could see how much potential there is here.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

All I really say about all this exciting news is that Hive and what is being built on top and around it is awesome sauce.

Again I want to thank you for keeping me educated.

Listnerds I am in love.



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Because this is such an awesome post, here is a BBH Tip for you. . Keep up the fantastic work

We have to give credit to the Hive community. For the most part, it just keeps forging ahead no matter what is taking place in the markets. This is something that, in the long run, will make a difference.

Truly this is one valid point about the Hive blockchain and it becomes a selling feature for us. I presently do not mind Hive prices anymore as long as we have a buzz in the blockchain with new creations daily.

How many interesting things. I will slowly figure everything out.

PS. Thank you so much for supporting my last post.