What Will Hive Look Like In 10 Years?

in LeoFinance9 months ago

Predicting the future is very difficult. We are now in an era where things are advancing at a rapid pace. Many of the technologies before us are doubling at a rate of every 18-24 months. The power of exponentiality, a favorite among technologists, cannot be underestimated.

Most are conditioned to think of things in linear terms. It is simply how our brains are wired. We think of taking 10 steps and anticipate where it will lead us. Few ever consider what 10 exponential steps will lead us. That is a step which doubles from the previous one.

This might be a mathematical concept that has little impact upon one's daily life. Or so we think. When dealing in the digital world, we can see how this is applied. Simply look at the Chatbot technology over the last 12 months to see how things are advancing.

Hive is a on a technological wave. It cannot be separated from the other things that are taking place. Whatever happens within the realm of Web 3.0, Hive will benefit.

So let us dig in and see what we can come up with.



The future of Hive is its applications.

This should be common sense by now. Hive is providing basic infrastructure which then can be incorporated with what is built on top.

In a decade, we are going to have applications for just about everything. Hive is emerging as a network-state, one where people turn to get their needs met. For the moment, this is limited but will keep expanding.

The applications will offer all kinds of services. Most of them will be automated. Artificial Intelligence is going to be interwoven in all we do by the 2030s. Algorithms will only expand in number and capability.

A decade is a long time in the technological world.

Applications will be like businesses. If we go into a town, we see offices and retail establishments providing goods and services. The same will be true of the applications on Hive. With the exception of the most physical necessities, such as food or pedicures, we will see the digital world operating on an even larger scale.

This is why applications are key. They will be providing us with much of what we need each day.

Financial and Money

We are not going to be in a post-monetary world within a decade. That means people will still require money for sustenance. Here is where I would expect millions to turn to Hive.

If we are truly dealing with a network-state, this is going to be a major provider. The idea of abundance is a mindset few have. However, it will become evident over the next decade as technology races ahead.

Since the Internet came to money, it is in the process of creating said abundance. Innovation is only just starting. We are still lacking critical infrastructure required to build true financial networks. That is coming though.

Once we have that, applications can be built to offer financial services for a fraction of what they cost in the present system. By removing many layers of intermediaries, we can see how this savings can be funneled into the wallets of everyday people.

At the same time, we are going to see the social quantified, monetized, and collateralized. That means people's activity in areas such as gaming, social media, and community engagement will offer a financial foundation that is lacking at the moment.

The Hive distribution system is a mindset that is penetrating everything. We see the idea of "how do we spread this out". That goes contrary to a lot of blockchains and the associated projects which focus upon selling their coins or tokens.

Hive Regions

Within a decade, there will be entire regions that are completely dominated by Hive. This might only be the size of a small town but there will be geographic areas where Hive is the primary force in people's lives.

What do I mean by this?

It is the local employer. At the same time, it is also the monetary system. From there comes the financial services people utilize. It is where people turn for entertainment. We see gaming and education also being developed.

In short, we will have physical areas that are improved because of the addition of the Hive ecosystem into their lives. With enough people in the same location, it becomes the prevailing force.

We are seeing some of that taking place on a small scale already. The likelihood of these governments cleaning up their acts is not great. Therefore, when Hive is stepping in as a replacement for the of the services that governments usually tended to, it is a major shift.

This is the power of monetization. Here we see people turning to digital platforms for what they need. That is the essence of the network-state.

If we want to see the embryotic stages, the Hive Borehole project along with what is taking place in Sucre are prime examples.

Exponential and Abundant Thinking

To fully grasp the potential, consider adopting some exponentiality into the equation.

A simply exercise is to consider what the computing power will be in a decade. Since Hive is a digital network, this has a huge impact. Along those same lines, consider what storage capabilities will be a decade from now. Then follow it up with the communication capabilities.

These are some fundamental factors that should exemplify how Hive can transform through nothing it did. Simply riding the wave of technology that is offered means we come out much further ahead in a decade.

The next step is to take the applications that are already in operation. What features will some of them be offering in a decade? Certainly many of the apps we have today will no longer be around. However, there will be some that end up becoming their own ecosystems. Here is where people should adjust their thinking.

Applications will become mini-Hives. If Hive is a network-state, the applications can be viewed as cities. This means all the same principles could be applied.

Consider the profound impact that could have.

Most of us were omitted from the technological waves of the past. Sure, we did enjoy the societal benefits that came with the introduction of the smartphone. There is no denying that changed the world.

Yet, how many of us saw our lives financially impacted due to that. If there was any benefit, we saw it in an auxiliary manner. With Hive, we have a front seat to what is taking place.

Our stake is enhanced with each technological innovation. I think crypto-assets are a way of capturing the value generated by the biggest of digital platforms, the Internet. That means whatever is generated over the next decade will be houses in the coins and tokens. Of course, not everything is going to have value. In fact, it is safe to say there is a lotof garbage out there.

That said, what will the value of the Internet be in a decade. Will be be a few hundred trillion dollars? Hell, it might be worth $100 trillion today for all we know. Consider all the transactions that take place over digital networks. It is basically incalculable.

Nevertheless, the markets will decade the value of these projects. In totality, we might get a glimpse into what is created.

I still stand by my prediction that you are going to see the world of crypto-assets entering the quadrillions. This will be bigger than all the derivatives that are presently in the world.

This is why I abundance should be what everyone is looking at. The value being generated by digital projects is going to filter through all of life. This means it ends up compounding in ways we never imagined.

Cryptocurrency allows each of us to capture that. The collective value will be broken down into individual contributions, i.e. application and project valuations.

Hive is a piece of that. I do not see this blockchain disappearing. In a decade it will still be running. The developers who are here now will likely keep adding.

The Network-State) is forming before our eyes.

What are your thoughts? Where do you see Hive in a decade?

What is Hive

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


there is a little Hive, I will build a Hive coin mining place 😀

Hivefest in that Dome would be awesome!

At the same time, we are going to see the social quantified, monetized, and collateralized. That means people's activity in areas such as gaming, social media, and community engagement will offer a financial foundation that is lacking at the moment.

It is the local employer. At the same time, it is also the monetary system. From there comes the financial services people utilize. It is where people turn for entertainment. We see gaming and education also being developed.

What this means is Hive becoming a force to be reckoned with against poverty, hunger, and illness. Truly, Hive can change the world if this comes to pass.

This post has been manually curated by the VYB curation project

Awesome mate🤩

I'm not gonna lie, "food and pedicures" made me laugh 😂

"It is the local employer. At the same time, it is also the monetary system."

What a beautiful way to describe it.

A lot has been said here friend, I believe if the vision can be kept uncompromised, many will be shocked in the next decade about the position of hive in the technology market and its positive impacts on humanity. We just need to keep building, no matter how little the effort, when all is put together, its something huge.

Hive will change the world, I can say that all over again but I do know that I'm not putting in enough effort to make that possible in my own way. I have plans that I'm not working on yet due to some setbacks but I'm hoping I do start working on it as soon as possible, then I can boldly say hive will change the world.

10 years is very long, will we still be alive in 10 years?

"food and pedicures" LOL 😀 Not so sure about the pedicures but how about the oposite of food.... someone has to unclog your toilet, amiright 😜

In a decade, my children will be on Hive

Artificial intelligence will have taken over every damn thing, and hive is not going to be an exempted. Argorithm will definitely play its role in programmers ingenuity.


@taskmaster4450! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ tuisada. (8/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

As a math teacher, I love the exponentialities of technology. Now I'm curious about the education apps being built on Hive. I'm not much of a coder, but I've got 10+ years experience teaching math in middle and high school across a variety of subjects. I wonder how we can leverage the blockchain to run lessons/modules like Khan Academy.

With the exception of the most physical necessities, such as food or pedicures

Love to see pedicures lumped in there as a necessity. Some people really need them badly!

So much that hive will change the world. If hive can really evolve this much, imagine what it will have become in ten years to come